
我有一个具有自定义equals((方法的类。当我使用这种 equals 方法比较两个对象时,我不仅对它们是否相等感兴趣,而且如果它们不相等,它们有什么不同。最后,我希望能够找回因不平等情况而产生的差异。


public class MyClass {
  int x;
  public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    // make sure obj is instance of MyClass
    MyClass that = (MyClass)obj;
    if(this.x != that.x) {
      // issue that I would like to store and reference later, after I call equals
      System.out.println("this.x = " + this.x);
      System.out.println("that.x = " + that.x);
      return false;
    } else {
      // assume equality
      return true


您的问题是您正在尝试将 boolean equals(Object) API 用于它不是为其设计的内容。 我认为没有任何设计模式可以让你这样做。


public class Difference {
    private Object thisObject;
    private Object otherObject;
    String difference;
public interface Differenceable {
    /** Report the differences between 'this' and 'other'. ... **/
    public List<Difference> differences(Object other);

然后为需要"可区分"功能的所有类实现此值。 例如:

public class MyClass implements Differenceable {
    int x;
    public List<Difference> differences(Object obj) {
        List<Difference> diffs = new ArrayList<>();
        if (!(obj instanceof MyClass)) {
             diffs.add(new Difference<>(this, obj, "types differ");
        } else {
             MyClass other = (MyClass) obj;
             if (this.x != other.x) {
                 diffs.add(new Difference<>(this, obj, "field 'x' differs");
             // If fields of 'this' are themselves differenceable, you could
             // recurse and then merge the result lists into 'diffs'.
        return diffs;


如果我这样做,我可能会考虑做一个正常的相等性测试,如果不相等,启动一个线程来确定原因并记录结果,而不是将这种逻辑合并到 equals 方法本身中。 这可以通过 equals 方法之外的特殊方法完成。
