如何在 Ionic 2 中单击时禁用动态列表中存在的按钮

<ion-card *ngFor="let product of products" no-padding>
<ion-select [(ngModel)]="qty" *ngIf="product.type==variable" [disabled]="false">
<ion-option value="1">1kg</ion-option>
<ion-option value="250">250gm</ion-option>
<ion-option value="500">500gm</ion-option>
<ion-option value="100">100gm</ion-option>
<button [disabled]=disable color="light" class="addbtn" ion-button clear (click)="addlist(product.name,product.id,product.price*product.quantity,product.quantity,product.images[0].src)">ADD</button>


var disable=false;
addlist(name, id, price, qty, image) {
//it is disabling each button present in the list 



  • 可以循环访问products并添加disable属性。如果它来自服务器,并且如果您可以并且想要,则可以将属性添加到其中,这样您就不会浪费一点时间在前端执行此操作。
  • 您可以创建一个新的disable数组,并使用 *ngFor 索引访问每个项目的正确禁用。


在 .ts 文件中,你将拥有:

// Let's say you're fetching your products in a lifecyclehook like ionViewDidLoad
ionViewDidLoad = () => {
// your call for the api...
myHttpCall.then(prods => {
this.products = prods;
// let's use map to iterate through the products
this.products.map(item => {
// this'll create a property in every item of your array.
item.disabled = false;
addlist(name, id, price, qty, image, product) {
// you'll need to pass the entire object to your method, and then set the property to true.
product.disabled = true;


在您的 html 中:

<!-- All your card code. Change the disabled of the button and the select as bellow -->
<button [disabled]="product.disabled" color="light" class="addbtn" ion-button clear (click)="addlist(product.name,product.id,product.price*product.quantity,product.quantity,product.images[0].src, product)">ADD</button>
<!-- Just pass the entire product in the end of the method -->


在 .ts 中,您将创建一个新数组,对于产品中的每个项目,您将推送一个新的布尔值:

export class YourPage {
// the new boolean array
public disabled: Array<boolean> = [];
// The method where you get the products, same as the first option
ionViewDidLoad = () => {
// your call for the api...
myHttpCall.then(prods => {
this.products = prods;
// use a for to iterate through
for (let i =  0; i < this.products.length; i++){
addlist(name, id, price, qty, image, index) {
// now you'll pass the index from the ngfor
// you'll access the corresponding disable from the array and set to true
this.disabled[index] = true;

然后在您的 html 中:

<!-- declare the index in your ngFor -->
<ion-card *ngFor="let product of products; let i = index" no-padding>
<!-- change the disable to reflect the correct array position -->
<ion-select [(ngModel)]="qty" *ngIf="product.type==variable" [disabled]="disabled[i]">
<ion-option value="1">1kg</ion-option>
<ion-option value="250">250gm</ion-option>
<ion-option value="500">500gm</ion-option>
<ion-option value="100">100gm</ion-option>
<!-- Add the index in the end of your click method -->
<button [disabled]="disabled[i]" color="light" class="addbtn" ion-button clear (click)="addlist(product.name,product.id,product.price*product.quantity,product.quantity,product.images[0].src, i)">ADD</button>



for (let product of products) {
product.disabled = false;
if(product.somefield == 'somevalue'){
product.disabled = true;

在 html 中button disabled属性作为,[disabled]="product.disabled"

<button [disabled]="product.disabled" color="light" class="addbtn" ion-button clear (click)="addlist(product.name,product.id,product.price*product.quantity,product.quantity,product.images[0].src)">ADD</button>


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