
如何将自行车骑行3-5-2019添加到我的日历中 - 它应该响应"自行车骑行添加到您的日历"。应该将一个由带有键"name"和"date"的对象表示的事件添加到事件数组中。

let TodoList = [];
const name = [];
const favoriteDish = [];
const eventsList = [];
//############## Greeting #####################//
function getReply(command) {
const splitString = command.split(' ');
if (command.includes('Hello') && name.length === 0) {
const grabName = splitString.slice(-1);
return 'Nice to meet you' + ' ' + grabName;
} else if (command.includes('Hello') && name.length !== 0) {
return 'repeted twice';
} else if (command.includes('What is my name')) {
return 'your name is ' + name[0];
//##### Add fishing to my todo and Add singing in the shower to my todo #####// 
else if (command.includes("Add") && command.includes("my todo")) {
const task = splitString.slice(1, -3).join(' ');
return task + " added to todo list";
//##################### Remove fishing to my todo ###########################// 
else if (command.includes("Remove") && command.includes("my todo")) {
const task = splitString.slice(1, -3).join(" ");
if (TodoList.includes("task")) {
TodoList.splice(TodoList.indexOf(task), 1);
return task + " removed from todo list";
return "Removed " + task + " from your todo";
//############################# What is on todo? ############################// 
if (command === 'What is on todo?') {
return TodoList;
//########################## What day is it today? #########################//
else if (command.includes('today')) {
const d = new Date();
const month = d.getMonth() + 1;
const day = d.getDate();
const output = d.getFullYear() + '-' +
(('' + month).length < 2 ? '0' : '') + month + '-' +
(('' + day).length < 2 ? '0' : '') + day;
return `Today is ${day}. of ${month} ${output}`;
//################################# maths #################################//
if (command.includes('Multiply', 0)) {
const x = splitString.slice(-1).join(' ');
const y = splitString.slice(4, 12).join(' ');
const Multiply = x * y;
return 4 * 12;
//############################# My favorite dish ##########################//
else if (command.startsWith('My favorite', 0)) {
favoriteDish.splice([0][4], 1, "Lasagne");
return `Saved favorite dish as ${favoriteDish}`;
//########################## What is my favorite dish ####################//
if (command === 'What is my favorite dish?') {
return favoriteDish;
//########################## Set a timer for 4 minutes ##################//
else if (command.includes('timer for 4 minutes')) {
const minutes = splitString.slice(-2, -1);
setTimeout(_ => console.log("Timer done"), 1000 * 60 * 4)
return `Timer set for ${minutes} minutes.`;
console.log(getReply('Hello my name is Axel')); // Nice to meet you Axel
console.log(getReply('Hello my name is Axel, Hello my name is Axel')); //Hey Axel You repeated your name twice 
console.log(getReply("Add fishing to my todo"));
console.log(getReply("Add singing in the shower to my todo"));
console.log(getReply("Remove fishing from my todo"));
console.log(getReply("What is on todo?"));
console.log(getReply("What day is it today?"));
console.log(getReply("My favorite dish is spaghetti"));
console.log(getReply("What is my favorite dish?"));
console.log(getReply("Set a timer for 4 minutes"));

在收到消息 4 分钟后将时间设置为 4 分钟

function getReply(command) {
if (command === 'What is my favorite dish?') {
return favoriteDish;
} else if (command.includes('timer for 4 minutes')) {
setTimeout(_ => console.log("Timer done"), 1000*60*4)
return `Timer set for ${minutes} minutes.`;
