使用 if/else 对数组中的数据进行排序,以便在不满足参数时生成一组数字或字符串

我是一个菜鸟,到目前为止,我很难理解如何用我有限的学习来做到这一点。任务是将输入的gpa从高到低排序,给出平均值,提取最高和最低,并分离并输出所有高于3.4的gpa。我可以做到这一点。我的问题是,如果没有高于 3.4 的 GPA,我试图输出一个字符串,说明"今年没有好学生",并且我用头撞墙几个小时。谁能帮忙? 这是代码和我的笔记:

<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<div id="output">
var gpasOut = [];
var gpas = [];
while (gpasOut != "XXX")
gpasOut = prompt("Enter a GPA or XXX to Stop");
if (gpasOut != "XXX")
// This sets the vars as empty and prompts the user for integers and allows a break with "XXX";
// gpas.push pushes the values from the prompt (gpasOut) into gpas &
// parseFloat turns the strings into floating decimals;
length = gpas.length;
// This gets the number of integers entered at prompt.
function totalArray(total, num)
return total + num;
var total = gpas.reduce(totalArray);
// This gets the sum of all numbers in array. Not sure I understand this code, but I was able to make it work.
// I think it brings the numbers from the right (num) into the number on the left (total), thus "reducing" it.
// I'm sure there is a better way.
var average = total / length;
// This gives the average GPA
var sorted = gpas.sort(function (a, b)
return b - a
// This sorts the GPAs highest to lowest. Not sure I understand how it works.
var badGpas = "<p>There were no good students this year. Try again next year!</p>";
let goodGpas = [];
for (let i = 0; i < gpas.length; i++)
if (gpas[i] >= 3.4)
else {
// Here I want to print the string in BadGpas if there were NO gpas above 3.4!

document.getElementById('output').innerHTML =
"<h2>GPAs</h2><h3>Sorted Highest to Lowest: </h3>" + sorted.join("<br>")
+"<h3>Class Average GPA is</h3>" + average + "<br>"
+ "<h3>The Highest is:</h3>" + gpas[0]
+ "<h3>The Lowest is:</h3>" + gpas[gpas.length-1]
+ "<h3>Outstanding GPAs (above 3.4)</h3>" + goodGpas.join("<br>")+badGpas;

基于您所拥有的,您可以将 badGpas 变量初始化为空字符串:

let badGpas = '';

然后,在检查循环中的 gpas 并将所有高于 3.4 的 gpas 推送到 goodGpas 数组后,您可以检查该数组是否为空。如果数组为空,则将 badGpas 值设置为要显示的文本:

let badGpas = '';
let goodGpas = [];
for (let i = 0; i < gpas.length; i++)
if (gpas[i] >= 3.4)
if (goodGpas.length === 0) {
badGpas = "<p>There were no good students this year. Try again next year!</p>";


<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<div id="output">
var gpasOut = [];
var gpas = [];
while (gpasOut != "XXX")
gpasOut = prompt("Enter a GPA or XXX to Stop");
if (gpasOut != "XXX")
// This sets the vars as empty and prompts the user for integers and allows a break with "XXX";
// gpas.push pushes the values from the prompt (gpasOut) into gpas &
// parseFloat turns the strings into floating decimals;
length = gpas.length;
// This gets the number of integers entered at prompt.
function totalArray(total, num)
return total + num;
var total = gpas.reduce(totalArray);
// This gets the sum of all numbers in array. Not sure I understand this code, but I was able to make it work.
// I think it brings the numbers from the right (num) into the number on the left (total), thus "reducing" it.
// I'm sure there is a better way.
var average = total / length;
// This gives the average GPA
var sorted = gpas.sort(function (a, b)
return b - a
// This sorts the GPAs highest to lowest. Not sure I understand how it works.
var foundGpasAbove = false
let goodGpas = [];
for (let i = 0; i < gpas.length; i++)
if (gpas[i] >= 3.4)
foundGpasAbove = true;
// Here I want to print the string in BadGpas if there were NO gpas above 3.4!
if(foundGpasAbove) {
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML =
"<h2>GPAs</h2><h3>Sorted Highest to Lowest: </h3>" + sorted.join("<br>")
+"<h3>Class Average GPA is</h3>" + average + "<br>"
+ "<h3>The Highest is:</h3>" + gpas[0]
+ "<h3>The Lowest is:</h3>" + gpas[gpas.length-1]
+ "<h3>Outstanding GPAs (above 3.4)</h3>";
} else {
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = '<p>There were no good students this year. Try again next year!</p>'

解释: 我放了一个标志发现 GpasAbove 在循环之前初始化为 false,如果它超过 3.4,则添加 gpas。如果你添加一个,那么我使这个标志为真。在使用此标志之后,如果为假,我会打印您想要的消息"今年没有好学生。明年再试!
