如何填充我的 validAccounts 数组 - 它显示其中有空值

*如何确保我的 validAccounts 数组没有空值?**


 import java.util.*;
 import java.io.*;
 public class ATM2 {
 public static Scanner kbd;
 public static final int MAXSIZE = 60000;
public static void main(String[] args) {
    kbd = new Scanner(System.in);
    Scanner input = null;
    String[] validAccounts = new String[MAXSIZE];
    int lineNum = 1;
    try {
        input = new Scanner(new File("ATMdata.txt"));
        // counts how many lines are in text
        while (input.hasNextLine()) {
            String line;
            line = input.nextLine();
        // sets the array to the number of lines in text
        validAccounts = new String[lineNum];
        // prints out the number of lines in text
    catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        System.out.println("There was an error opening one of the files.");
    try {
        int count = 0;
        input = new Scanner(new File("ATMdata.txt"));
        // counts how many lines are in text
        while (input.hasNextLine()) {
            String line;
            line = input.nextLine();
            validAccounts[count] = line;
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        System.out.println("There was an error opening file");
    System.out.println("What is your account number?");
    String acctNum = kbd.nextLine();
    System.out.println("What is the password?");
    String pwd = kbd.nextLine(); 
    checkID(acctNum,  pwd,validAccounts); 

// Each entry in the validAccounts array is assumed to be holding:
// the account number followed by
// a space, followed by
// the password for the account
// followed by a space
// followed by the current balance.
public static String checkID(String acctNum, String pwd,
        String[] validAccounts) {
    String account = "" ;
    String password = "" ;
    String balance; 
String result = "error"; 
//This is supposed to check the array for a valid input
for(int i = 0; i <validAccounts.length ; i ++){
    **//It is giving me an error for the line below-if anyone could help me figure it           out!**
    int space1 = validAccounts[i].indexOf(" ");//ERROR
    account = validAccounts[i].substring(0, space1);
    int space2 = validAccounts[i].indexOf(" ", space1 + 1);
    password = validAccounts[i].substring(validAccounts[i].indexOf(" ") + 1, space2);
    balance = validAccounts[i].substring(validAccounts[i].lastIndexOf(" ") + 1);
if (acctNum.equals(account)){
    return account;
    return password; 
}       return result;


TL;DR:在input = new Scanner(new File("ATMdata.txt"));上设置断点并评估input.hasNextLine() - 这将是假的!可能是路径问题?


IIRC Scanner.nextLine() 不会返回null因此问题必须是从未输入while (input.hasNextLine()) {块,并且由于您有

String[] validAccounts = new String[MAXSIZE];

(这将是 60k null)你得到了一个 NPE。您应该阅读java.util.List


public static String checkID(String acctNum, String pwd,
    String[] validAccounts) {
    String account = "" ;
    String password = "" ;
    String balance; 
    String result = "error"; 
    //This is supposed to check the array for a valid input
    for(int i = 0; i <validAccounts.length ; i ++){
            int space1 = validAccounts[i].indexOf(" ");//ERROR
            account = validAccounts[i].substring(0, space1);
            int space2 = validAccounts[i].indexOf(" ", space1 + 1);
            password = validAccounts[i].substring(validAccounts[i].indexOf(" ") + 1, space2);
            balance = validAccounts[i].substring(validAccounts[i].lastIndexOf(" ") + 1);
    if (acctNum.equals(account)){
        return account;
        return password; 
    return result;
