如果我拿一个包含单词列表的文本文件,并且我希望将此列表与许多列表(已来源于程序)进行比较,这意味着如果输入列表中的任何单词与任何源列表中的单词匹配,我希望该单词存储在文件 a 中.txt只有在 list1.txt 中找到该单词时)。 同样,如果在 list2 中找到该单词.txt我希望它存储在 b.txt 中。除此之外,我还想在输出文件 a.txt 中显示文件 list1.txt 的路径。喜欢唱./数据集/词典/动词
while(dictcount >= 0)//reads dictionary word into array//
dictcount = 0; //searches through all of the listed data files
fscanf(fp1,"%s", worddict);
fscanf(fp2,"%s", worddict);
fscanf(fp3,"%s", worddict);
if(strcmp(wordcheck, worddict)==0)//compare strings//if the word in found in list misc.txt
fprintf(out_file1 ,"%c", wordcheck); //storing the value in output_misc.txt
if (getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)) != NULL)
//fprintf(out_file3, "%cn", cwd); //stores the path of the folder containing the list in which the matched 'word' is found
return 0;