



List of inputs: [18.01, 42.01, 132.04, 162.05, 203.08, 176.03]
Target value: 1800.71



[18.01, 162.05, 162.05, 162.05, 162.05, 162.05, 162.05, 162.05, 162.05, 162.05, 162.05, 162.05] **which gives a sum of 1800.59**

[18.01, 18.01, 203.08, 203.08, 203.08, 162.05, 203.08, 18.01, 18.01, 18.01, 18.01, 18.01, 18.01, 18.01, 18.01, 18.01, 18.01, 42.01, 162.05, 203.08, 203.08] **which gives a sum 1800.71**





import math
import time
def combinator(tolerance, target, inputs):
    # Special case for inputs with one element, speeds up computation a lot
    if len(inputs) == 1:
        number = inputs[0]
        result_min = int(math.ceil((target-tolerance)/number))
        result_max = int(math.floor((target+tolerance)/number))
        for factor in range(result_min, result_max+1):
            yield [factor]
    # Special case for no inputs, just to prevent infinite recursion 
    if not inputs:
    number = inputs[-1]
    max_value = int(math.floor((target + tolerance)/number))
    for i in range(max_value+1):
        for sub_factors in combinator(tolerance, target-i*number, inputs[:-1]):
            yield sub_factors
def main():
    inputs = [18.01, 42.01, 132.04, 162.05, 203.08, 176.03]
    target = 1800.71
    tolerance = 0.5
    t_start = time.perf_counter()
    results = list(combinator(tolerance, target, inputs))
    t_end = time.perf_counter()
    for result in results:
        result_str = ""
        result_value = 0
        for factor, value in zip(result, inputs):
            if not factor:
            if result_str != "":
                result_str += " + "
            result_str += "{}* {}".format(factor, value)
            result_value += factor*value
        print("{:.2f}".format(result_value) + " =t[" + result_str + "]") 
    print("{} results found!".format(len(results)))
    print("Took {:.2f} milliseconds.".format((t_end-t_start)*1000))
if __name__ == "__main__":
1801.00 =   [100* 18.01]
1800.96 =   [93* 18.01 + 3* 42.01]
1800.92 =   [86* 18.01 + 6* 42.01]
1800.35 =   [5* 18.01 + 3* 42.01 + 9* 176.03]
1800.33 =   [2* 42.01 + 1* 132.04 + 9* 176.03]
1800.35 =   [3* 18.01 + 1* 162.05 + 9* 176.03]
988 results found!
Took 11.48 milliseconds.



  • python: 〜12 ms
  • 锈: 〜0.7 ms


use std::time::Instant;
fn combinator(tolerance : f32, target: f32, inputs: &[f32]) -> Vec<Vec<i32>>{
    let number = match inputs.last() {
        Some(i) => i,
        None => return vec![]
    if inputs.len() == 1 {
        let result_min = ((target-tolerance)/number).ceil() as i32;
        let result_max = ((target+tolerance)/number).floor() as i32;
        return (result_min..=result_max).map(|x| vec![x]).collect();
    let max_value = ((target + tolerance)/number).floor() as i32;
    let mut results = vec![];
    for i in 0..=max_value {
        for mut sub_factors in combinator(tolerance, target - i as f32 * number, &inputs[..inputs.len()-1]) {
fn print_result(factors: &[i32], values: &[f32]){
    let sum : f32 = factors.iter()
        .map(|(factor,value)| *factor as f32 * *value)
    println!("{:.2} =t[{}]", sum,
                    .filter(|(factor, _value)| **factor > 0)
                    .map(|(factor, value)| format!("{}* {}", factor, value))
                    .join(", "));
fn main() {
    let inputs = vec![18.01, 42.01, 132.04, 162.05, 203.08, 176.03];
    let target = 1800.71;
    let tolerance = 0.5;
    let t_start = Instant::now();
    let results = combinator(tolerance, target, &inputs);
    let duration = t_start.elapsed().as_micros() as f64;
    for result in &results {
        print_result(&result, &inputs);
    println!("{} results found!", results.len());
    println!("Took {} milliseconds", duration / 1000.0);
1801.00 =   [100* 18.01]
1800.96 =   [93* 18.01, 3* 42.01]
1800.92 =   [86* 18.01, 6* 42.01]
1800.35 =   [5* 18.01, 3* 42.01, 9* 176.03]
1800.33 =   [2* 42.01, 1* 132.04, 9* 176.03]
1800.35 =   [3* 18.01, 1* 162.05, 9* 176.03]
988 results found!
Took 0.656 milliseconds


1800.71 =   [12* 18.01, 1* 42.01, 2* 162.05, 6* 203.08]
1800.71 =   [13* 18.01, 2* 42.01, 2* 132.04, 6* 203.08]
1800.71 =   [16* 18.01, 7* 42.01, 6* 203.08]
1800.71 =   [52* 18.01, 1* 42.01, 1* 132.04, 1* 162.05, 3* 176.03]
1800.71 =   [54* 18.01, 4* 42.01, 1* 132.04, 3* 176.03]

与现有罚款答案相同的另一个答案。我发现使用范围而不是目标 公差并使用琐碎的(未取代(递归解决方案更简单,该解决方案似乎足够快,可以找到您用例的约1000个答案。


def fuzzy_coins(vals, lower, upper):
    vals: [Positive]
    lower: Positive
    upper: Positive
    return: [[Int]]
    Returns a list of coefficients for vals such that the dot
    product of vals and return falls between lower and upper.
    ret = []
    if not vals:
        if lower <= 0 <= upper:
        val = vals[-1]
        for i in xrange(int(upper / val) + 1):
            for sub in fuzzy_coins(vals[:-1], lower, upper):
                ret.append(sub + (i,))
            lower -= val
            upper -= val
    return ret

即使这样,这需要〜100ms的Python 2.7和3.6

[('1800.33', (0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 9)),
 ('1800.35', (3, 0, 0, 1, 0, 9)),
 ('1800.35', (5, 3, 0, 0, 0, 9)),
 ('1800.38', (0, 10, 0, 2, 0, 6)),
 ('1800.38', (1, 11, 2, 0, 0, 6)),
 ('1800.92', (86, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0)),
 ('1800.94', (88, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0)),
 ('1800.96', (91, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)),
 ('1800.96', (93, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0)),
 ('1801.00', (100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))]
Took 0.10885s to get 988 results


from __future__ import print_function
import pprint
import time

def main():
    vals = [18.01, 42.01, 132.04, 162.05, 203.08, 176.03]
    target = 1800.71
    fuzz = .5
    lower = target - fuzz
    upper = target + fuzz
    start = time.time()
    coefs = fuzzy_coins(vals, lower, upper)
    end = time.time()
        ('%.2f' % sum(c * v for c, v in zip(coef, vals)), coef)
        for coef in coefs
    print('Took %.5fs to get %d results' % (end - start, len(coefs)))


lst = [18.01, 42.01, 132.04, 162.05, 203.08, 176.03]
target = 1800.71
def find_combination(lst, target, current_values=[], curr_index=0, threshold=0.5):
    s = sum(current_values)
    if abs(s - target) <= threshold:
        yield s, tuple(current_values)
    elif s - target < 0:
        for i in range(curr_index, len(lst)):
            yield from find_combination(lst, target, current_values + [lst[i]], i)
    elif s - target > 0:
        curr_index += 1
        if curr_index > len(lst) - 1:
        yield from find_combination(lst, target, current_values[:-1] + [lst[curr_index]], curr_index)
out = []
for v in find_combination(sorted(lst, reverse=True), target):
out = [*set(out)]
print('Number of combinations: {}'.format(len(out)))
## to print the output:
# for (s, c) in sorted(out, key=lambda k: k[1]):
#   print(s, c)


Number of combinations: 988

