

Rep: hi ! Customer: i was wondering if you have a delivery option? If so what are the options available ? Rep: i'd be happy to answer that for you! There is a 2 and 5 day delivery options. Customer: ok! thank you Rep: Is there anything else that I can help you with? (Chat ended)


Rep: hi !
Customer: i was wondering if you have a delivery option? If so what are the options available ? 
Rep: i'd be happy to answer that for you! There is a 2 and 5 day delivery options.
Customer: ok! thank you
Rep: Is there anything else that I can help you with?
(Chat ended)

这是一组具有唯一 ID 的对话。拆分后,我希望将每个问题和答案作为不同的列,适当匹配每个响应。


for i in d.split(':'):
if i:


['hi ! Customer']
['i was wondering if you have a delivery option? If so what are the options available ? Rep']
["i'd be happy to answer that for you! There is a 2 and 5 day delivery options", ' Customer']
['ok! thank you Rep']
['Is there anything else that I can help you with? (Chat ended)']


import re
p = re.compile('(w*s*:)')
input_string = "Rep: hi ! Customer: i was wondering if you have a delivery option? If so what are the options available ? Rep: i'd be happy to answer that for you! There is a 2 and 5 day delivery options. Customer: ok! thank you Rep: Is there anything else that I can help you with? (Chat ended)"
new_string = p.sub(r'ng<1>',input_string)
for line in new_string.split('n')[1:]:
print line



[('Rep', 'hi !'), ('Customer', 'i was wondering if you have a delivery option? If so what are the options available ?'), ('Rep', "i'd be happy to answer that for you! There is a 2 and 5 day delivery options."), ('Customer', 'ok! thank you')]


import re
from pprint import pprint
def parse_chat(chat, rep, customer):
conversation = {}
rep_message = ''
for person, message in re.findall(r'({0}|{1}): (.*?)s*(?=(?:{0}|{1}):)'.format(rep, customer), chat):
if person == rep:
rep_message = message
conversation[rep_message] = message
return conversation
chat = '''Rep: hi ! Customer: i was wondering if you have a delivery option? If so what are the options available ? Rep: i'd be happy to answer that for you! There is a 2 and 5 day delivery options. Customer: ok! thank you Rep: Is there anything else that I can help you with? (Chat ended)'''
pprint(parse_chat(chat, 'Rep', 'Customer'))


{'hi !': 'i was wondering if you have a delivery option? If so what are the options available ?',
"i'd be happy to answer that for you! There is a 2 and 5 day delivery options.": 'ok! thank you'}




import re
# The data has been stored into a string by this point
data = "Rep: hi ! Customer: i was wondering if you have a delivery option? If so what are the options available ? Rep: i'd be happy to answer that for you! There is a 2 and 5 day delivery options. Customer: ok! thank you Rep: Is there anything else that I can help you with? (Chat ended)"
# First insert the newlines before the first word before a colon
newlines = re.sub(r'(S+)s*:', r'ng<1>:', data)
# Remove the first newline and fix the (Chat ended) on the end
solution = re.sub(r'(Chat ended)', 'n(Chat ended)', newlines[1:])
> "Rep: hi ! 
Customer: i was wondering if you have a delivery option? If so what are the options available ? 
Rep: i'd be happy to answer that for you! There is a 2 and 5 day delivery options. 
Customer: ok! thank you 
Rep: Is there anything else that I can help you with? 
(Chat ended)"


newlines = re.sub...行首先在data字符串中搜索任何非空格分隔的单词,后跟冒号,然后将其替换为n字符,后跟匹配的非空格字符序列,S+(可以是CustomerRepBill等(,然后在末尾插入:

最后,假设所有对话都以(Chat ended)结尾,之后的代码行仅匹配该文本,并以与newlines = re.sub...行相同的方式将其移动到新行。


所以你基本上想确定你想在哪里插入换行符 - 因此,你可以尝试几种不同的模式,如果它总是"客户"和"代表":

(?<!^)(Customer:|Rep:|(Chat ended)演示

我们只需检查我们是否不在字符串的开头,然后通过将它们 OR 组合在一起来匹配常量标记。 或者更笼统地说,

(?<=s)([A-Z]w+:|(Chat ended)演示

我们回头看一个空格(我们不在字符串的开头(,然后匹配 CapitalizedWord+COLON 或结束序列,然后在每次匹配之前插入换行符。

