
我的某些代码有问题。 我试图创建一个具有几个选项的下拉过滤器必须基于某个价格范围。 我找不到合适的方法将 2 个值添加到价格范围下拉列表中,并使其也以其他方式过滤。 代码笔链接

//what i have tried
if (prices.indexOf("<option value='" + price + "'>" + price + '</option>') == -1) {
prices += "<option value='" + price + "'>" + price + '</option>'


我找不到合适的方法将 2 个值添加到价格范围下拉列表中

发生此问题的原因是您尚未将生成的 HTML 字符串添加到 DOM 的price。要修复它,您只需要执行以下操作:




rawPrice = price.replace('$', ''),
rawPrice = parseInt(rawPrice.replace(',', '')),
"' data-price='" + rawPrice


filters += '[data-' + key + "='" + filtersObject[key] + "']"


for (var key in filtersObject) {
if (filtersObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (key === 'price') {
var rawPrice = filtersObject[key].replace('$', '').replace(',', '')
filters += '[data-' + key + "='" + rawPrice + "']"
} else {
filters += '[data-' + key + "='" + filtersObject[key] + "']"


var data = [{
make: 'Gibson',
model: 'Les Paul',
type: 'Electric',
price: '$3,000',
image: 'http://www.sweetwater.com/images/items/120/LPST5HTHDCH-medium.jpg?9782bd'
make: 'Gibson',
model: 'SG',
type: 'Electric',
price: '$1,500',
image: 'http://www.sweetwater.com/images/items/120/SGSEBCH-medium.jpg?e69cfe'
make: 'Fender',
model: 'Telecaster',
type: 'Electric',
price: '$2,000',
image: 'http://www.sweetwater.com/images/items/120/TelePLMPHB-medium.jpg?28e48b'
var products = '',
makes = '',
models = '',
types = '',
prices = ''
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var make = data[i].make,
model = data[i].model,
type = data[i].type,
price = data[i].price,
rawPrice = price.replace('$', ''),
rawPrice = parseInt(rawPrice.replace(',', '')),
image = data[i].image
//create product cards
products +=
"<div class='col-sm-4 product' data-make='" +
make +
"' data-model='" +
model +
"' data-type='" +
type +
"' data-price='" +
rawPrice +
"'><div class='product-inner text-center'><img src='" +
image +
"'><br />Make: " +
make +
'<br />Model: ' +
model +
'<br />Type: ' +
type +
'<br />Price: ' +
price +
//create dropdown of makes
if (makes.indexOf("<option value='" + make + "'>" + make + '</option>') == -1) {
makes += "<option value='" + make + "'>" + make + '</option>'
//create dropdown of models
if (models.indexOf("<option value='" + model + "'>" + model + '</option>') == -1) {
models += "<option value='" + model + "'>" + model + '</option>'
//create dropdown of types
if (types.indexOf("<option value='" + type + "'>" + type + '</option>') == -1) {
types += "<option value='" + type + "'>" + type + '</option>'
//create dropdown of prices
if (prices.indexOf("<option value='" + price + "'>" + price + '</option>') == -1) {
prices += "<option value='" + price + "'>" + price + '</option>'
var filtersObject = {}
//on filter change
$('.filter').on('change', function() {
var filterName = $(this).data('filter'),
filterVal = $(this).val()
if (filterVal == '') {
delete filtersObject[filterName]
} else {
filtersObject[filterName] = filterVal
var filters = ''
for (var key in filtersObject) {
if (filtersObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (key === 'price') {
var rawPrice = filtersObject[key].replace('$', '').replace(',', '')
filters += '[data-' + key + "='" + rawPrice + "']"
} else {
filters += '[data-' + key + "='" + filtersObject[key] + "']"
if (filters == '') {
} else {
//on search form submit
$('#search-form').submit(function(e) {
var query = $('#search-form input').val().toLowerCase()
$('.product').each(function() {
var make = $(this).data('make').toLowerCase(),
model = $(this).data('model').toLowerCase(),
type = $(this).data('type').toLowerCase()
if (make.indexOf(query) > -1 || model.indexOf(query) > -1 || type.indexOf(query) > -1) {
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