

这是图像 在此处输入图像描述

根据我之前对另一个问题的回答,我认为您需要一个Singleton Pattern而不是全局变量



public class Adapter {
private ArrayList<Model> list;
private Adapter() {}
public static Adapter getInstance() {
return InstInit.INSTANCE;
// Don't forget to set the list (or NPE)
// because we can't argue with a Singleton
public void setList(ArrayList<Model> list) {
this.list = list;
// You can now get the ArrayList
public ArrayList<Model> getList() {
return list;
private static class InstInit {
private static final Adapter INSTANCE = new Adapter();
// Some codes removed for brevity
// Overrided RecyclerView.Adapter Methods


AdapterOne a1 = AdapterOne.getInstance();
AdapterTwo a2 = AdapterTwo.getInstance();
ArrayList<Model> a1RetrievedList = a1.getList();
// You don't need to create a new instance
// creating a new instance doesn't make sense
// because you need to repopulate the list
// for the new instance.
ArrayList<Model> a2RetrievedList = a2.getList();
// You can also retrieve from AdapterTwo
