mysql,BIGINT 值超出范围


[2020-01-28 23:26:29] CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[22003]: Numeric value out of range: 1690 BIGINT value is out of range in 'count(`Um3mpV1OJwy6m`.`jobsubmits`.`id`) * 500000 * 4398046511104'
[2020-01-29 00:26:47] CronjobController::actionRun 0
[2020-01-29 00:27:07] CDbException#1
[errorInfo] => array
0 => '22003'
1 => 1690
2 => 'BIGINT value is out of range in 'count(`Um3mpV1OJwy6m`.`jobsubmits`.`id`) * 500000 * 4398046511104''
[*:message] => 'CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[22003]: Numeric value out of range: 1690 BIGINT value is out of range in 'count(`Um3mpV1OJwy6m`.`jobsubmits`.`id`) * 500000 * 4398046511104''
[Exception:string] => ''
[*:code] => 22003
[*:file] => '/home/crypto-data/yiimp/site/web/framework/db/CDbCommand.php'
[*:line] => 543
[Exception:trace] => array

您的值是 COUNT(( 乘以:

500000 * 4398046511104 = 2199023255552000000

已签名 BIGINT 的最大值为 263-1= 9223372036854775807

9223372036854775807 / 2199023255552000000 = 4.1943

因此,如果您的 COUNT(( 大于 4,那么它将超过可以在有符号 BIGINT 中表示的最大值。


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