
给定一个数组 A,其binarian(A)定义为 2^A[0] + 2^A[1] + ....2^A[n];问题要求查找binarian(B)与 A 相同的最短数组 B。



这是一个解决方案,我们添加 2 的幂手动进行进位传播。 它可以处理像A=[1000000000, 1000000000, 1000000001]这样的愚蠢的大输入。

def shortest_equivalent_binarian(A): 
s = set() 
for a in A: 
while a in s: # carry propagation
a += 1 
return sorted(s, reverse=True)
# reverse is not necessary for correctness, but gives the same B as in your example

没有直接回答听起来像是作业的问题,我只想指出,任何时候你有一对 2x你可以用一个 2x+1代替它......至于实际的算法,因为你不需要关心A成员的顺序,你应该把它们全部放到一个袋子/多集结构中,然后在构建B时从那里开始。


function solution($a){
// write your code in PHP7.0
$binarian = 0;
foreach ($a as $val){
$binarian += pow(2, $val);
$b = [];
while($binarian > 0){
$el = intval(log($binarian, 2));
array_push($b, $el);
$binarian -= pow(2, $el);

return $b;

# find the binarian
binarian = sum(2**a for a in A)
# find the powers of two that are present in A
# We do this by making a list of which bits are True in the binarian.
#   we check each bit, using len(bin()) to as an easy log2
#   we only include powers of two that produce 1 when and'ed with the binarian
B = [pwr for pwr in range(len(bin(binarian)) - 2) if (2**pwr & binarian)]

用 2 的幂构造一个数字,然后简单地列出哪些位被翻转,没有比这更有效的方法了。这就是它的作用。它扫描从最低重要到最重要的位,并且仅在位翻转时才输出。

这将生成一个升序列表(例如[0, 2, 3].如果您想要降序列表(例如[3, 2, 0],您可以将range()调用包装在reversed()中。


function solution(A) {
let binarian = 0;
// only positive values
A = A.filter((x) => x > -1);
// get the total of the binarian
for (let i = 0; i < A.length; i++) {
binarian += Math.pow(2, A[i]);
// time to prepare your own binarian the shortest one!
let b = [];
while (binarian > 0) {
let element = parseInt(Math.log2(binarian), 10);
binarian -= Math.pow(2, element);
return b.length;
