从应用程序的物理路径停止应用程序池 - 服务器管理器 C#

使用 ServerManager 类是否可以从应用程序的物理路径获取应用程序池名称?我一直在使用以下代码进行测试:

using (var manager = new ServerManager())
//using (var manager = ServerManager.OpenRemote("xxx")) //Uncomment this line to enable remote debugging, comment out line 1821, update Server Name value
    //Get Site using Website ID
    var site = manager.Sites.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == webSiteID);
    if (site != null)
        //foreach (Application app in site.Applications)
            bld.AppendLine("1. Stopping App Pool for: " + site.Name);
            //Get the application pool name
            var application = site.Applications.SingleOrDefault(m => m.VirtualDirectories["/"].PhysicalPath == @"D:/inetpub/TestSite1"); //RETURNS NULL
            //Get the application binded to the siteName
            var application1 = site.Applications.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Path == "/TestSite1"); //RETURN INFO I REQUIRE
            var appPoolName = application.ApplicationPoolName;
            //var appPoolName = site.Applications.FirstOrDefault().ApplicationPoolName;
            var appPool = manager.ApplicationPools[appPoolName];
            if (appPool != null)
                //Check the App Pool State
                if (appPool.State == ObjectState.Stopped)
                    //App Pool already stopped
                    bld.AppendLine("1. App Pool: " + appPool.Name + " already stopped.");
                    //Stop the App Pool
                    bld.AppendLine("1. App Pool: " + appPool.Name + " stopped.");
                bld.AppendLine("1. No App Pool found.");
                failFlag = true;
        bld.AppendLine("1. SiteID: " + webSiteID + " does not exist.");
        failFlag = true;


我想使用物理路径而不是虚拟路径来获取应用程序,因为我的应用程序数据库中有数百个应用程序,我不能 100% 它们都在 IIS 中配置为 2 条路径将同步,例如 D:\inetpub\TestSite1 和/TestSite1

这行代码上的 fwd 斜杠更改为反斜杠似乎为我提供了

var application = site.Applications.SingleOrDefault(m => m.VirtualDirectories["/"].PhysicalPath == @"D:inetpubTestSite1");


using (var manager = new ServerManager())                
   //Get Site using Website ID
   var site = manager.Sites.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == webSiteID);
   if (site != null)
      bld.AppendLine("1. Stopping App Pool for: " + site.Name + " " + targetPath);
      var application = site.Applications.SingleOrDefault(m => m.VirtualDirectories["/"].PhysicalPath == @targetPath);
      var appPoolName = application.ApplicationPoolName;
      var appPool = manager.ApplicationPools[appPoolName];
      if (appPool != null)
      { ...

