Apache Spark 是否不如 Scikit Learn 准确

我最近一直在尝试了解Apache Spark作为Scikit Learn的替代品,但是在我看来,即使在简单的情况下,Scikit收敛到准确的模型的速度也比Spark快得多。例如,我使用以下脚本为一个非常简单的线性函数 (z=x+y) 生成了 1000 个数据点:

from random import random
def func(in_vals):
    '''result = x (+y+z+w....)'''
    result = 0
    for v in in_vals:
        result += v
    return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
    entry_count = 1000
    dim_count = 2
    in_vals = [0]*dim_count
    with open("data_yequalsx.csv", "w") as out_file:
        for entry in range(entry_count):
            for i in range(dim_count):
                in_vals[i] = random()
            out_val = func(in_vals)
            out_file.write(','.join([str(x) for x in in_vals]))
            out_file.write(",%sn" % str(out_val))

然后我运行了以下 Scikit 脚本:

import sklearn
from sklearn import linear_model
import numpy as np
data = []
target = []
with open("data_yequalsx.csv") as inFile:
    for row in inFile:
        vals = row.split(",")
        data.append([float(x) for x in vals[:-1]])
test_samples= len(data)/10
train_data = [0]*(len(data) - test_samples)
train_target = [0]*(len(data) - test_samples)
test_data = [0]*(test_samples)
test_target = [0]*(test_samples)
train_index = 0
test_index = 0
for j in range(len(data)):
    if j >= test_samples:
        train_data[train_index] = data[j]
        train_target[train_index] = target[j]
        train_index += 1
        test_data[test_index] = data[j]
        test_target[test_index] = target[j]
        test_index += 1
model = linear_model.SGDRegressor(n_iter=100, learning_rate="invscaling", eta0=0.0001, power_t=0.5, penalty="l2", alpha=0.0001, loss="squared_loss")
model.fit(train_data, train_target)
result = model.predict(test_data)
mse = np.mean((result - test_target) ** 2)
print("Mean Squared Error = %s" % str(mse))

然后这个 Spark 脚本:(使用 spark-submit,没有其他参数)

from pyspark.mllib.regression import LinearRegressionWithSGD, LabeledPoint
from pyspark import SparkContext
sc = SparkContext (appName="mllib_simple_accuracy")
raw_data = sc.textFile ("data_yequalsx.csv", minPartitions=10) #MinPartitions doesnt guarantee that you get that many partitions, just that you wont have fewer than that many partitions
data = raw_data.map(lambda line: [float(x) for x in line.split (",")]).map(lambda entry: LabeledPoint (entry[-1], entry[:-1])).zipWithIndex()
test_samples= data.count()/10
training_data = data.filter(lambda (entry, index): index >= test_samples).map(lambda (lp,index): lp)
test_data = data.filter(lambda (entry, index): index < test_samples).map(lambda (lp,index): lp)
model = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(training_data, step=0.01, iterations=100, regType="l2", regParam=0.0001, intercept=True)
mse = (test_data.map(lambda lp: (lp.label - model.predict(lp.features))**2 ).reduce(lambda x,y: x+y))/test_samples;
print("Mean Squared Error: %s" % str(mse))
sc.stop ()

奇怪的是,尽管两个模型的设置几乎相同(据我所知),但火花给出的误差比Scikit给出的误差大一个数量级(分别为0.185和0.045)。我知道这是使用 SGD 的迭代次数很少,因此结果可能会有所不同,但我不会想到它会接近如此大的差异或如此大的错误,特别是考虑到异常简单的数据。

我在 Spark 中有什么误解吗?配置不正确吗?当然,我应该得到比这更小的错误吗?




顺便说一下,如果你查看MLlib代码,相当于scikit learn的lambda是数据集的lambda/size(mllib优化1/n*sum(l_i(x_i,f(y_i)) + lambda而scikit learn优化sum(l_i(x_i,f(y_i)) + lambda

由于 Spark 是并行的,因此在计算过程中,每个节点都需要能够独立于其他节点工作,以避免节点之间出现 [时间] 昂贵的洗牌。因此,它使用称为随机梯度下降的过程来接近最小值,该过程遵循局部梯度向下。


权衡是,对于大小为 N 的方阵,求解矩阵方程通常缩放为 N^3,这对于大型数据集来说很快就会变得不可行。Spark 将准确性换成了计算能力。与任何机器学习过程一样,您应该在整个算法中构建大量健全性检查,以确保上一步的结果有意义。



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