有没有办法在 keras 中输出具有多个值的指标

我正在研究一个U-net架构,以在10个类中执行分段。 我想计算每个纪元后每个类的骰子系数。

我的网络的输出是每个类的分割掩码堆栈,形状为 (b_size, rows, cols, num_classes) 。在此输出中,我通过以下方式计算每个类的骰子系数:

def dice_metric(ground_truth, prediction):
    # initialize list with dice scores for each category
    dice_score_list = list()
    # get list of tensors with shape (rows, cols)
    ground_truth_unstacked = reshape_ground_truth(ground_truth)
    prediction_unstacked = tf.unstack(prediction, axis=-1)
    for (ground_truth_map, prediction_map) in zip(ground_truth_unstacked, prediction_unstacked):
        # calculate dice score for every class
        dice_i = dice_score(ground_truth_map, prediction_map)
    return tf.reduce_mean(dice_score_list, axis=[0])


Epoch 107/200
- 13s - loss: 0.8896 - dice_metric: [dice_class_1, ... dice_class_10] - val_loss: 3.3417 - val_dice_metric: [val_dice_class_1, ... val_dice_class_10]

关于自定义指标的 Keras 文档仅考虑单个张量值(即,"自定义指标可以在编译步骤中传递。该函数需要(y_true, y_pred)作为参数并返回单个张量值。


要使 keras 输出所有通道,每个通道需要一个指标。您可以创建一个包装器,该包装器采用索引并仅返回所需的类:

#calculates dice considering an input with a single class
def dice_single(true,pred):
    true = K.batch_flatten(true)
    pred = K.batch_flatten(pred)
    pred = K.round(pred)
    intersection = K.sum(true * pred, axis=-1)
    true = K.sum(true, axis=-1)
    pred = K.sum(pred, axis=-1)
    return ((2*intersection) + K.epsilon()) / (true + pred + K.epsilon())
def dice_for_class(index):
    def dice_inner(true,pred):
        #get only the desired class
        true = true[:,:,:,index]
        pred = pred[:,:,:,index]
        #return dice per class
        return dice_single(true,pred)
    return dice_inner

然后,模型中的指标将是"指标 = [dice_for_class(i) 对于范围 (10) 中的 i]



def dice_metric(ground_truth, prediction):
    #for metrics, it's good to round predictions:
    prediction = K.round(prediction)
    #intersection and totals per class per batch (considers channels last)
    intersection = ground_truth * prediction
    intersection = K.sum(intersection, axis=[1,2])
    ground_truth = K.sum(ground_truth, axis=[1,2])
    prediction = K.sum(prediciton, axis=[1,2])
    dice = ((2 * intersection) + K.epsilon()) / (ground_truth + prediction + K.epsilon())
