动态 Linq 谓词使用 C# MongoDB 驱动程序引发"不支持的筛选器"错误

我一直在尝试使用Linq将表达式的动态列表传递给MongoDB C#驱动程序查询。。。例如,这种方法适用于针对ORM的常规Linq查询,但在应用于MongoDB查询时会导致错误。。。(仅供参考:我也在使用LinqKit的PredicateBuilder)

// I create a List of Expressions which I can then add individual predicates to on an 
// "as-needed" basis.
    var filters = new List<Expression<Func<Session, Boolean>>>();
// If the Region DropDownList returns a value then add an expression to match it.
// (the WebFormsService is a home built service for extracting data from the various 
// WebForms Server Controls... in case you're wondering how it fits in)
    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(WebFormsService.GetControlValueAsString(this.ddlRegion)))
        String region = WebFormsService.GetControlValueAsString(this.ddlRegion).ToLower();
        filters.Add(e => e.Region.ToLower() == region);
// If the StartDate has been specified then add an expression to match it.
    if (this.StartDate.HasValue)
        Int64 startTicks = this.StartDate.Value.Ticks;
        filters.Add(e => e.StartTimestampTicks >= startTicks);
// If the EndDate has been specified then add an expression to match it.
    if (this.EndDate.HasValue)
        Int64 endTicks = this.EndDate.Value.Ticks;
        filters.Add(e => e.StartTimestampTicks <= endTicks);
// Pass the Expression list to the method that executes the query
    var data = SessionMsgsDbSvc.GetSessionMsgs(filters);


public class SessionMsgsDbSvc
    public static List<LocationOwnerSessions> GetSessionMsgs(List<Expression<Func<Session, Boolean>>> values)
        // Using the LinqKit PredicateBuilder I simply add the provided expressions 
        // into a single "AND" expression ...
            var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<Session>();
            foreach (var value in values)
                predicate = predicate.And(value);
        // ... and apply it as I would to any Linq query, in the Where clause.
        // Additionally, using the Select clause I project the results into a 
        // pre-defined data transfer object (DTO) and only the DISTINCT DTOs are returned
            var query = ApplCoreMsgDbCtx.Sessions.AsQueryable()
                .Select(e => new LocationOwnerSessions 
                        AssetNumber = e.AssetNumber, 
                        Owner = e.LocationOwner, 
                        Region = e.Region 
            var data = query.ToList();
            return data;

使用LinqKit PredicateBuilder,我只需将提供的表达式添加到一个"AND"表达式中。。。并将其应用于Where()子句中的任何Linq查询。此外,使用Select()子句,我将结果投影到预定义的数据传输对象(DTO)中,并且只返回DISTINCT DTO。

当我反对我的Telerik ORM上下文实体集合时,这种技术通常有效。。。但是当我在Mongo文档集合中运行这个时,我会得到以下错误。。。










