PHP AJAX图像上传 - 我需要将配额限制为文件夹

我正在使用Ajax PHP将图像上传到文件夹,但我想将该空间限制为50 MB。我认为我处在正确的轨道上,但是代码对我不起作用。如果您可以帮助我。

我认为错误应该在" if($ size> 52428800({"


/*** Calling from ajax to add the gallery new an image****/
 public function Addgallery() {
            $size = 0;
            $files= glob($directory.$folder_gallery.'/*');
            foreach($files as $path){
                is_file($path) && $size += filesize($path);
                is_dir($path) && get_dir_size($path);
            return $size;
    if ($size > 52428800 ) {
        echo alert("Your quota on disk does not allow the upload of images. Please erase images that you do not use.");
    } else {
        $this->_upload_file($this->_base_path .'/images/gallery/', array( '.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif' ), 'addgallery');


如果您将return $size移动到其他方面,则您的代码应起作用。

/*** Calling from ajax to add the gallery new an image****/
public function Addgallery() {
    $size = 0;
    $files = glob($directory.$folder_gallery.'/*');
    foreach($files as $path){
        is_file($path) && $size += filesize($path);
        is_dir($path) && get_dir_size($path);
    if ($size > 52428800){
        echo alert("Your quota on disk does not allow the upload of images. Please erase images that you do not use.");
    } else {
        $this->_upload_file($this->_base_path .'/images/gallery/', array( '.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif' ), 'addgallery');
    return $size;

