Swift AnyObject 变量,使用 or 链接向下转换 (as) 来访问不同类的属性


所以在全局我定义了一个变量questionAll : AnyObject。然后在viewdidload(),我根据passedTitle值将其分配给Trivia()实例或Diy()。但是,我只能通过使用带有可选链as?向下转换来访问此实例的特定属性if


if let A = B as? Trivia || Diy { code here is same }



var questionAll : AnyObject
override func viewDidLoad() {
//based on the game title decide which game played
if passedTitle == "Trivia" {
questionAll = Trivia()
}else if passedTitle == "Diy" {
questionAll = Diy()
//calculate the total grades
if let questionAllInstance = questionAll as? Trivia{
for singlePoint in questionAllInstance.answers["level(level)"]!{
let sumGrade = singlePoint.reduce(0, {$0 + $1})
totalGrade += sumGrade
if let questionAllInstance = questionAll as? Diy{
for singlePoint in questionAllInstance.answers["level(level)"]!{
let sumGrade = singlePoint.reduce(0, {$0 + $1})
totalGrade += sumGrade


protocol Question {
var answers: [String:[Int]] { get } // or the actual dictionary type from your code


extension Trivia: Question {
// nothing to do, Trivia should already have an answers property
extension Diy: Question {
// nothing to do, Trivia should already have an answers property

,并在您的 VC 中使用它:

var questionAll : Question?
override func viewDidLoad() {
//based on the game title decide which game played
if passedTitle == "Trivia" {
questionAll = Trivia()
}else if passedTitle == "Diy" {
questionAll = Diy()
//calculate the total grades
if let questionAllInstance = questionAll,
let points = questionAllInstance.answers["level(level)"] {
for singlePoint in points { // I replaced the forced unwrap to the optional binding above
let sumGrade = singlePoint.reduce(0, {$0 + $1})
totalGrade += sumGrade


override func viewDidLoad() {
//based on the game title decide which game played
if passedTitle == "Trivia" {
questionAll = Trivia()
}else if passedTitle == "Diy" {
questionAll = Diy()
let answers: TypeOfAnswers? // an optional of what the `answers` property is
switch questionAll {
case let trivia as Trivia: answers = trivia.answers
case let diy as Diy: answers = diy.answers
default: answers = nil
if let points = answers?["level(level)"] {
for singlePoint in points {
let sumGrade = singlePoint.reduce(0, {$0 + $1})
totalGrade += sumGrade


override func viewDidLoad() {
//based on the game title decide which game played
if passedTitle == "Trivia" {
questionAll = Trivia()
}else if passedTitle == "Diy" {
questionAll = Diy()
func process(answers: TypeOfAnswers) {
if let points = questionAllInstance.answers["level(level)"] {
for singlePoint in points { // I replaced the forced unwrap to the optional binding above
let sumGrade = singlePoint.reduce(0, {$0 + $1})
totalGrade += sumGrade
switch questionAll {
case let trivia as Trivia: process(answers: trivia.answers)
case let diy as Diy: process(answers: diy.answers)
default: break
