修复了使用木偶脚本在 postgres 10 中对用户的对等验证失败的问题

我一直在尝试在RHEL7 VM中设置Postgres服务器,并在独立模式下使用Puppet。问题是我只是无法与用户连接,所有表都正确创建,并且尝试连接到用户时得到:

psql: FATAL:  Peer authentication failed for user



class profile::tdms::postgresql (
String $pgsql_password,
String $pg_db_username,
String $pg_db_password,
String $emsa_tdm_db = 'emsa_tdms_django',
String $airflow_db = 'emsa_tdms_airflow',
String $celery_db = 'emsa_tdms_celery',
) {
include epel
class { 'postgresql::globals':
manage_package_repo => true,
version             => '10',
class { 'postgresql::server':
postgres_password => $pgsql_password,
notice("PSQL PASS: ${pgsql_password}, PGSQL DB PASS: ${pg_db_password}, PSQL USER: ${pg_db_username}")
# Postgis instalation. Not working
#     class { 'postgresql::server::postgis':
#     package_name => 'postgis25_10'
#    }
postgresql::server::role { $pg_db_username:
username        => $pg_db_username,
#password_hash   => postgresql_password($pg_db_username, $pg_db_password),
update_password => $pg_db_password,
replication     => true

postgresql::server::db { $airflow_db:
user     => $pg_db_username,
password => postgresql_password($pg_db_username, $pg_db_password),
owner    => $pg_db_username
#password => $pg_db_password
-> postgresql::server::db { $emsa_tdm_db:
user     => $pg_db_username,
password => postgresql_password($pg_db_username, $pg_db_password),
#password => $pg_db_password
owner    => $pg_db_username
-> postgresql::server::db { $celery_db:
user     => $pg_db_username,
password => postgresql_password($pg_db_username, $pg_db_password),
#password => $pg_db_password
owner    => $pg_db_username

-> postgresql::server::extension { 'airflow_postgis':
database  => $airflow_db,
extension => 'postgis',
-> postgresql::server::extension { 'tdm_postgis':
database  => $emsa_tdm_db,
extension => 'postgis',
# postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'local unix sockets':
#     description => 'local is for Unix domain socket connections only',
#     type        => 'local',
#     database    => 'all',
#     user        => 'all',
#     address     => '',
#     auth_method => 'peer',
# }
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'IPv4 local 1':
description => 'IPv4 local connections',
type        => 'host',
database    => 'all',
user        => $pg_db_username,
address     => '',
auth_method => 'md5',
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'IPv4 local 2':
type        => 'host',
database    => 'all',
user        => 'all',
address     => '',
auth_method => 'ident',
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'Replication 1':
description => 'Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the replication privilege',
type        => 'local',
database    => 'replication',
user        => 'all',
address     => '',
auth_method => 'peer',
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'Replication 2':
type        => 'host',
database    => 'replication',
user        => 'all',
address     => '',
auth_method => 'ident',
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'Replication 3':
type        => 'host',
database    => 'replication',
user        => 'all',
address     => '::1/128',
auth_method => 'ident',
postgresql_conn_validator { 'validate my postgres connection':
host        => '',
db_username => $pg_db_username,
db_password => $pg_db_password,
db_name     => 'postgres',


这是 pg_hba.conf:

# This file is managed by Puppet. DO NOT EDIT.
# Rule Name: local access as postgres user
# Description: none
# Order: 1
local   all postgres        ident   
# Rule Name: local access to database with same name
# Description: none
# Order: 2
local   all all     ident   
# Rule Name: allow localhost TCP access to postgresql user
# Description: none
# Order: 3
host    all postgres    md5 
# Rule Name: deny access to postgresql user
# Description: none
# Order: 4
host    all postgres   reject  
# Rule Name: allow access to all users
# Description: none
# Order: 100
host    all all    md5 
# Rule Name: allow access to ipv6 localhost
# Description: none
# Order: 101
host    all all ::1/128 md5 
# Rule Name: IPv4 local 1
# Description: IPv4 local connections
# Order: 150
host    all emsa_tdms   md5 
# Rule Name: IPv4 local 2
# Description: none
# Order: 150
host    all all    ident   
# Rule Name: Replication 1
# Description: Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the replication privilege
# Order: 150
local   replication all     peer    
# Rule Name: Replication 2
# Description: none
# Order: 150
host    replication all    ident   
# Rule Name: Replication 3
# Description: none
# Order: 150
host    replication all ::1/128 ident

更新: 想要从同一台机器和 Django 应用程序中连接


2020-06-12 15:48:47.230 UTC [6945] FATAL:  Peer authentication failed for user "emsa_tdms"
2020-06-12 15:48:47.230 UTC [6945] DETAIL:  Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 11: "local  all all     ident   "
2020-06-12 15:49:13.951 UTC [7017] LOG:  provided user name (emsa_tdms) and authenticated user name (vagrant) do not match
2020-06-12 15:49:13.951 UTC [7017] FATAL:  Peer authentication failed for user "emsa_tdms"
2020-06-12 15:49:13.951 UTC [7017] DETAIL:  Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 11: "local  all all     ident   "
2020-06-12 15:56:46.559 UTC [8545] FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "emsa_tdms"


local   all all     ident


psql: FATAL:  no pg_hba.conf entry for host "[local]", user "emsa_tdms", database "emsa_tdms_django", SSL off

localpg_hba.conf 行上的ident被解释为peer

通过简单的标识或对等身份验证,它验证连接到数据库服务器的 Linux 用户是否与其尝试连接的 PostgreSQL 用户同名。 但在你的情况下,它们是不一样的,"emsa_tdms"与"流浪"。 这里基本上有 4 个选项,将运行木偶脚本的 Linux 用户名从"流浪者"更改为"emsa_tdms";将您的 PostgreSQL 用户名从"emsa_tdms"更改为"vagrant";添加一个用户映射(在 pg_ident.conf 中(,表示允许"vagrant"以"emsa_tdms"身份登录,并在 pg_hba.conf 中激活此映射;或选择其他身份验证方法,如md5

看起来您也尝试使用密码身份验证并且也失败了,但是您过早地切断了日志,无法知道它失败的原因。 不过,也许这种尝试来自傀儡以外的其他东西。
