C语言 如何从链表中删除循环


1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 - 8 -> 9 -> 4>


1) Detect Loop using Floyd’s Cycle detection algo and get the pointer to a loop 
2) Count the number of nodes in loop. Let the count be k.
3) Fix one pointer to the head and another to kth node from head.
4) Move both pointers at the same pace, they will meet at loop starting node.
5) Get pointer to the last node of loop and make next of it as NULL.


1) Loop verified by Floyd's cycle detection algo.
2) count of nodes in loop = 6
3) head->1, p->7 (6th node from head)
4) Loop while head!=p head=head->next and p=p->next. Both will meet at node 4
5) p=p->next Loop while(p->next!=head) p=p->next;
   Put p->next=NULL after termination of above loop. Your new list will be 1->2->3->4->5->6->7->8->9->NULL


          map<struct node*, int> m;
            while (head->next != NULL) {
                if (m.find(head->next) != m.end()) {  
                    head->next = NULL;
               } else m[head->next]++;
               head = head->next;


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