

import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad.Random
import Data.Maybe
import System.Timeout
newtype A = A { runA :: A -> Int -> Rand StdGen Bool }
-- a call to runA with this as the first input will always terminate
example1 :: A
example1 = A (_ i -> (if i > 0 then getRandomR (True, False) else return False))
-- a call to runA with this as the first input will never terminate
example2 :: A
example2 = A (_ _ -> runA example2 example2 0)
-- here it depends on the other input 
-- will terminate with example1, not with example2 or 3
example3 :: A
example3 = A (a _ -> runA a a 0)

我们是否可以编写一个超时函数来确定当我们调用runA x x 0时,A类型的某个值x是否会在给定的时间内终止?我们可以尝试像这样使用seq:

testTimeout :: A -> IO (Maybe Bool)
testTimeout x = timeout 1000 . evalRandIO $! runA x x 0

然而,这对example2example3不起作用,因为对runA的调用被计算为WHNF,但随后挂起,因为计算永远不会完成。用deepseq(即$!!)尝试同样的事情甚至不会编译,因为我们需要Rand StdGen BoolNFData实例。那么,我们如何实现这个实例,使严格的求值/超时按预期工作呢?还是有别的办法?


(>>= (return $!)) :: Monad m => m a -> m a

如您所知,return创建了一个m a类型的值。通过执行return $!,我们说我们不会执行m a,因此完成操作,直到评估结果。下面是一个更详细的函数。

evalM m = do
    result <- m
    result `seq` return result


(>>= (return $!!)) :: (Monad m, NFData a) => m a -> m a


forceM m = do
    result <- m
    result `deepseq` return result


instance NFData A where
    rnf (A !runA) = ()
strictify :: A -> A
strictify (A !runA) = A $ a i -> strictify a `deepSeq` i `deepSeq` runA a i
testTimeout x = timeout 1000 . evalRandIO $! runA x' x' 0
 where x' = strictify x



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