Javascript Ninja Central Timer 中的时间在哪里?

《Secrets of The Javascript Ninja》中的Central Timer Control会尽可能快地执行添加的函数。我如何使用中央计时器控制的想法,每250毫秒发生一些事情?如果我需要每250毫秒发生一件事每600毫秒发生另一件事呢?不知怎么的,我觉得我真的错过了这次机会。

对不起,我没有太多的时间来编写可读性好的代码,但是如果你运行这个脚本并在调试器中运行它,你就会知道如何在单线程环境中实现你想要的东西。请注意,使用Web Workers的解决方案可能会更好地工作,如果你想确保你会得到一个函数每250ms和另一个650ms呐喊,但是,我认为,不能再被称为中央定时器控制。


顺便说一句,Secrets of the Javascript Ninja是我读过的关于Javascript的最好的书。不错的选择。

       var fns = [];
        function delay(ms) { // you can set delay manually to see what happens if functions take longer to execute
            ms += new Date().getTime();
            while (new Date() < ms){}

        var one = function(d) { // first function
            console.log(new Date() - temp);
            temp = new Date;
            delay(100); // let's say our function takes approximately 100 ms to execute
        var two = function(d) { // second function
            console.log(new Date() - temp);
            temp = new Date;
        intervals = [250, 650];
        var temp = new Date;
        (function(fns, intervals) {
        var count = 0,
            start, finish, execTime; // helpers
        (function run () {
            start = new Date();
            fns[count](); // function executes here
            finish = new Date();
            execTime = finish - start; // time that function takes to execute
            setTimeout(run, ( (intervals[count] - execTime) > 0) ? intervals[count] - execTime : 0 ); // if function took too long to execute start as soon as you can, otherwise subtract execution time from the interval
            if (count === intervals.length - 1) {
                count = 0;
            } else {
        })(fns, intervals) // passing array of function to execute and array of intervals
