

public class Node {
Object Element;
Node Link;
public Node() {
public Node(Object Element, Node Link) {
    this.Element = Element;
    this.Link = Link;

班级列表 :

 public class List {
Node FirstNode;
Scanner UserInfo = new Scanner(System.in);
Scanner UserInput = new Scanner(System.in);
public List() {
    FirstNode = null;
public void InsertArbitrary() {
int Location = UserInput.nextInt(); // Location of new node
if (Location == 1) {
    Object Element = UserInfo.nextLine();
    FirstNode = new Node(Element, FirstNode); // locates a New Node At First
} else {
    Object Element = UserInfo.nextLine(); // Content of new node
    Node CurrentNode ; // for searching in the list 
    CurrentNode = FirstNode;
    for (int i = 1; i <= Location - 1; i++)
        CurrentNode = CurrentNode.Link;
    Node NewNode = new Node (Element , CurrentNode);

迭代到插入位置后,可以正确创建一个新节点并将其链接分配给下一个元素。但是,您没有做的是将上一个链接更新为 POINT 指向新节点,因此无法再从头节点访问列表的尾部。


Node FirstNode;
int Length = 0;
public List() {
    FirstNode = null;
public void InsertArbitrary(int Location, Object Element) {
    if (Location == 1 || Length == 0) {
        FirstNode = new Node(Element, FirstNode); // locates a New Node At First
    } else {
        Node CurrentNode ; // for searching in the list
        CurrentNode = FirstNode;
        for (int i = 1; i <= Location - 2 && i < Length; i++)
            CurrentNode = CurrentNode.Link;
        Node NewNode = new Node (Element , CurrentNode.Link);
        CurrentNode.Link = NewNode;


在不给你代码的情况下(因为这是家庭作业),假设你想在伪代码中在 A 之后插入一个新的节点 X:

x.next = a.next
a.next = x

因此,链片段从a -> b变为a -> x -> b
