在进行任何调用之前,必须向 PjSip 线程注册外部线程

当浏览应用程序应用程序时,由于pjsip而崩溃,并且说您必须向pjsip线程注册外部线程。我也像这样用主线程重新注册了 pjsip

try {
Log.d(TAG, "Registering with thread "+Thread.currentThread().getName());
} catch (Exception e) {

这崩溃是如此随机地发生,并不完全知道是什么原因造成的,当崩溃发生时,我也没有调用任何 pjsip 方法。那么这里出了什么问题呢?

07-04 14:36:18.183 32089-32097/com.safarifone.waafi A/libc: ../src/pj/os_core_unix.c:692: pj_thread_this: assertion "!"Calling pjlib from unknown/external thread. You must " "register external threads with pj_thread_register() " "before calling any pjlib functions."" failed
07-04 14:36:18.183 32089-32097/com.safarifone.waafi A/libc: Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 32097 (FinalizerDaemon)
07-04 14:36:18.193 32089-32089/com.safarifone.waafi D/ContactListAdapter: user which is recently added and not sync...
07-04 14:36:18.203 32089-32089/com.safarifone.waafi D/ContactListAdapter: user which is recently added and not sync...
07-04 14:36:18.213 32089-32089/com.safarifone.waafi D/ContactListAdapter: user which is recently added and not sync...
07-04 14:36:18.243 326-326/? A/DEBUG: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
07-04 14:36:18.243 326-326/? A/DEBUG: Build fingerprint: 'samsung/grandpplteser/grandpplte:6.0.1/MMB29T/G532FXWU1APK6:user/release-keys'
07-04 14:36:18.243 326-326/? A/DEBUG: Revision: '0'
07-04 14:36:18.243 326-326/? A/DEBUG: ABI: 'arm'
07-04 14:36:18.243 326-326/? A/DEBUG: pid: 32089, tid: 32097, name: FinalizerDaemon  >>> com.safarifone.waafi <<<
07-04 14:36:18.243 326-326/? A/DEBUG: signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr --------
07-04 14:36:18.273 326-326/? A/DEBUG: Abort message: '../src/pj/os_core_unix.c:692: pj_thread_this: assertion "!"Calling pjlib from unknown/external thread. You must " "register external threads with pj_thread_register() " "before calling any pjlib functions."" failed'
07-04 14:36:18.273 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     r0 00000000  r1 00007d61  r2 00000006  r3 b37c2978
07-04 14:36:18.273 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     r4 b37c2980  r5 b37c2930  r6 0000000b  r7 0000010c
07-04 14:36:18.273 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     r8 00000000  r9 b4424f00  sl b37c1b20  fp b37c1a64
07-04 14:36:18.273 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     ip 00000006  sp b37c19d0  lr b6d4cdcd  pc b6d4f1bc  cpsr 400e0010
07-04 14:36:18.293 326-326/? A/DEBUG: backtrace:
07-04 14:36:18.293 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     #00 pc 000431bc  /system/lib/libc.so (tgkill+12)
07-04 14:36:18.293 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     #01 pc 00040dc9  /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_kill+32)
07-04 14:36:18.293 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     #02 pc 0001c7e7  /system/lib/libc.so (raise+10)
07-04 14:36:18.293 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     #03 pc 00019a65  /system/lib/libc.so (__libc_android_abort+34)
07-04 14:36:18.293 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     #04 pc 00017600  /system/lib/libc.so (abort+4)
07-04 14:36:18.293 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     #05 pc 0001b3fb  /system/lib/libc.so (__libc_fatal+16)
07-04 14:36:18.293 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     #06 pc 00019aed  /system/lib/libc.so (__assert2+20)
07-04 14:36:18.293 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     #07 pc 0034be3c  /data/app/com.safarifone.waafi-2/lib/arm/libpjsua2.so (pj_thread_this+84)
07-04 14:36:18.293 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     #08 pc 0034c9b8  /data/app/com.safarifone.waafi-2/lib/arm/libpjsua2.so (pj_mutex_lock+124)
07-04 14:36:18.293 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     #09 pc 001931c0  /data/app/com.safarifone.waafi-2/lib/arm/libpjsua2.so (PJSUA_LOCK+32)
07-04 14:36:18.293 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     #10 pc 00194e1c  /data/app/com.safarifone.waafi-2/lib/arm/libpjsua2.so (pjsua_acc_set_user_data+268)
07-04 14:36:18.293 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     #11 pc 00156464  /data/app/com.safarifone.waafi-2/lib/arm/libpjsua2.so (_ZN2pj7AccountD2Ev+232)
07-04 14:36:18.293 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     #12 pc 000d6584  /data/app/com.safarifone.waafi-2/lib/arm/libpjsua2.so (_ZN20SwigDirector_AccountD2Ev+116)
07-04 14:36:18.293 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     #13 pc 000d65fc  /data/app/com.safarifone.waafi-2/lib/arm/libpjsua2.so (_ZN20SwigDirector_AccountD0Ev+20)
07-04 14:36:18.293 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     #14 pc 00114764  /data/app/com.safarifone.waafi-2/lib/arm/libpjsua2.so (Java_org_pjsip_pjsua2_pjsua2JNI_delete_1Account+76)
07-04 14:36:18.293 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     #15 pc 000ea539  /system/lib/libart.so (art_quick_generic_jni_trampoline+40)
07-04 14:36:18.293 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     #16 pc 000e5e41  /system/lib/libart.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+64)
07-04 14:36:18.293 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     #17 pc 003e92d9  /system/lib/libart.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+172)
07-04 14:36:18.293 326-326/? A/DEBUG:     #18 pc 00101c4c  [stack:32097]

看起来 GC 正在从您注册的线程以外的线程中收集 PjSip 对象之一。


... application ‘’‘MUST immediately destroy PJSUA2 objects using object’s delete() 
method (in Java)’‘’, instead of relying on the GC to clean up the object

因此,您必须手动删除 PjSip 对象,例如:


