asyncio 队列 - 使用常规生成器插入项目 - 令人困惑的行为,意外的值

(使用 Python 3.8.1(




import asyncio

def job_gen_generator():
# incrementally generates trivial "jobs" data in a dict
job = 1
job_dict = {
'job_number': job,
while True:
yield job_dict
job_dict['job_number'] += 1
job_gen = job_gen_generator()

async def worker(instance, q):
# workers get jobs from the queue
while True:
count, job = await q.get()
print(f'Worker {instance} got queue item: {count} with data of...{job}')
await asyncio.sleep(1)

async def main():
queue = asyncio.Queue()
for count in range(10):
job = next(job_gen)
print(f'Adding queue item: {count} with data of... {job}')
queue.put_nowait((count, job))  # <- Issue here

# The rest of the code is necessary boilerplate 
worker_tasks = []
for instance in range(2):
task = asyncio.create_task(worker(instance, queue))
await queue.join()
for task in worker_tasks:
await asyncio.gather(*worker_tasks)


Adding queue item: 0 with data of... {'job_number': 0}
Adding queue item: 1 with data of... {'job_number': 1}
Adding queue item: 2 with data of... {'job_number': 2}
Adding queue item: 3 with data of... {'job_number': 3}
Worker 0 got queue item: 0 with data of...{'job_number': 9} # all items are 9, the last output from the generator
Worker 1 got queue item: 1 with data of...{'job_number': 9}
Worker 0 got queue item: 2 with data of...{'job_number': 9}
Worker 1 got queue item: 3 with data of...{'job_number': 9}


Adding queue item: 0 with data of... {'job_number': 0}
Adding queue item: 1 with data of... {'job_number': 1}
Adding queue item: 2 with data of... {'job_number': 2}
Adding queue item: 3 with data of... {'job_number': 3}
Worker 0 got queue item: 0 with data of...{'job_number': 0}
Worker 1 got queue item: 1 with data of...{'job_number': 1}
Worker 0 got queue item: 2 with data of...{'job_number': 2}
Worker 1 got queue item: 3 with data of...{'job_number': 3}



  • 我理解 queue.put_nowait(( 是一个同步函数,因此它应该在for语句的下一个循环开始之前完成?
  • 但看起来 for 循环运行直到完成(覆盖捕获生成器输出的变量(,然后将所有项目提交到队列,但我无法解释为什么这是执行流。

笔记: 我可以通过将job包装在dict()中来解决此问题,即queue.put_nowait((count, dict(job)))但我不明白为什么这有帮助,我所做的只是对一个词进行字典。


def job_gen_generator():
# incrementally generates trivial "jobs" data in a dict
job = 1
job_dict = {
'job_number': job,
while True:
yield job_dict
job_dict['job_number'] += 1


def job_gen_generator():
# incrementally generates trivial "jobs" data in a dict
job = 1
while True:
yield {
'job_number': job,
job += 1
