JSDoc 不显示参数表和返回值/名称/说明


* @name randomlyGenerateMixedCaseLetterOrSpecialCharacter1
* @description Randomly generates an alphabetic letter from A-Z, a-z or a random special character from the input list of special characters.
* @param {string} inputData - The list of allowable special characters that should be used to randomly select from.
* @param {string} inputMetaData - Not used for this business rule.
* @return {string} Randomly returns a random mixed case letter of the alphabet, or a random special character from the list of allowable special characters.
* @NOTE: OLD implementation.
* @author Seth Hollingsead
* @date 2020/03/05


|   Name        |  Type  |       Description        |
| inputData     | String | The list of allowable... |
| inputMetaData | String | Not used for this...     |

但是当我针对此函数运行 JSDoc 时,它会输出更像这样的东西:

Randomly generates an alphabetic letter from A-Z, a-z or a random special character from the input list of special characters.
Seth Hollingsead
Framework/BusinessRules/Rules/characterGeneration.js, line 18



* @name randomlyGenerateMixedCaseLetterOrSpecialCharacter1
* @description Randomly generates an alphabetic letter from A-Z, a-z or a random special character from the input list of special characters.
* @param {string} inputData - The list of allowable special characters that should be used to randomly select from.
* @param {string} inputMetaData - Not used for this business rule.
* @return {string} Randomly returns a random mixed case letter of the alphabet, or a random special character from the list of allowable special characters.
* @NOTE: OLD implementation.
* @author Seth Hollingsead
* @date 2020/03/05
export const randomlyGenerateMixedCaseLetterOrSpecialCharacter1 = function(inputData, inputMetaData) {
// ...Function Body...


"source": {
"include": ["src"],
"includePattern": ".js$",
"excludePattern": "{node_modules/|Documentation}"
"plugins": ["plugins/markdown"],
"templates": {
"cleverLinks": true,
"monospaceLinks": true
"opts": {
"recurse": true,
"destination": "./src/Application/NodeJS-App/Resources/Documentation",
"template": "./jsDocTemplate"

回顾错误日志,我没有在这一行上看到此文件的任何错误。 当然,我确实在其他函数上看到了错误,但这只是因为我没有正确更改标题的格式。例如:(我知道这是不正确的,但这是我知道我仍然需要做的一个例子:(

* @name randomlyGenerateUpperCaseLetterOrSpecialCharacter1
* @description Randomly generates an alphabetic letter from A-Z or a random special character from the input list of special characters.
* @param  {[String]} inputData The list of allowable special characters that should be used to randomly select from.
* @param  {[String]} inputMetaData Not used for this business rule.
* @return {[String]} Randomly returns a random upper case letter of the alphabet, or a random special character from the list of allowable special characters.
* @NOTE: OLD implementation.
* @author Seth Hollingsead
* @date 2020/03/05
export const randomlyGenerateUpperCaseLetterOrSpecialCharacter1 = function(inputData, inputMetaData) {
// ... function body

在上面的标题中,@param {[String]}应该更改为@param {string},我还有很多功能可以做到这一点,我只是想确保在清理所有文件中的所有函数之前我做对了。


srcFrameworkBusinessRulesRulescharacterGeneration.js in line 70 with tag title "param" and text "{[String]} inputData The list of allowable special characters that should be used
srcFrameworkBusinessRulesRulescharacterGeneration.js in line 70 with tag title "param" and text "{[String]} inputMetaData Not used for this business rule.": Invalid type expression "[
srcFrameworkBusinessRulesRulescharacterGeneration.js in line 70 with tag title "return" and text "{[String]} Randomly returns a random upper case letter of the alphabet, or a random special character


编辑: 版本号:

  • npm 版本:6.9.0
  • 节点版本:10.16.3
  • "jsdoc": "^3.6.4",


提前谢谢你!! 干杯并保持安全!!



* Converts a time interval into a different kind of format.
* @param {integer} deltaTime - A time interval measured in microseconds.
* @param {string} format - The formatting template that should be used to format the time interval.
* @return {string} A time interval formatted according to the input format template string.
* @author Seth Hollingsead
* @date 2020/05/21
function reformatDeltaTime(deltaTime, format) {
// ... function body...


* @name reformatDeltaTime
* @description Converts a time interval into a different kind of format.
* @param {integer} deltaTime - A time interval measured in microseconds.
* @param {string} format - The formatting template that should be used to format the time interval.
* @return {string} A time interval formatted according to the input format template string.
* @author Seth Hollingsead
* @date 2020/05/21
function reformatDeltaTime(deltaTime, format) {
// ...function body



从 JSDoc 文档中复制粘贴: 链接: JSDoc @Name Tage 用法

@name标记强制 JSDoc 将 JSDoc 注释的其余部分与给定名称相关联,而忽略所有周围的代码。此标记最好用于代码中不容易看到的符号的"虚拟注释",例如在运行时生成的方法。

使用 @name 标记时,必须提供其他标记,以告知 JSDoc 要记录的符号类型;该符号是否是另一个符号的成员;等等。如果不提供此信息,则无法正确记录符号。

警告:通过使用 @name 标记,您告诉 JSDoc 忽略周围的代码并单独处理您的文档注释。在许多情况下,最好改用 @alias 标记,这会更改文档中的符号名称,但保留有关符号的其他信息。

所以我只是删除了 @name 标签,它适用于我通常的函数标头,如下所示:

* @description Returns a time stamp string formatted according to the input formatting string.
* @param {string} formatting The formatting string, that tells moment in what format to return the value for the day, month, year, hour, minute, and second.
* @return {string} A time stamp string that has been formatted according to the input format.
* @author Seth Hollingsead
* @date 2020/05/21
function getNowMoment(formatting) {
// ...function body...


export const generateRandomMixedCaseTextByLength1 = function(inputData, inputMetaData) {
// ...function body...

显然,解决方案是仅使用@function标签代替@name标签。JSDoc 文档中对此进行了描述:@function标记文档


* @function generateRandomMixedCaseTextByLength1
* @description Parse the input string, and determine how many mixed case alphabetic characters should be generated, generate them and string them together.
* @param {string} inputData The string that contains a number or how many randomly generated mixed case alphabetic characters should be generated.
* @param {string} inputMetaData Not used for this business rule.
* @return {string} A string of randomly generated mixed case letters where the length of the string is defined by the input parameter.
* @NOTE: OLD implementation
* @author Seth Hollingsead
* @date 2020/03/04



解决方案是在文件的开头添加@module。 https://jsdoc.app/howto-es2015-modules.html



module.export = {
* @description some Function
* @param none 
someFunction {},
* @description some Function
* @param none 
someOtherFunction {}

Jsdoc 不理解你实现函数。 @function没有帮助我。


/** @module someFunctions */

将告诉 JSDOC文档是针对模块的,JSDOC 将生成函数描述。

