
def numPens(n):
    n is a non-negative integer
    Returns True if some non-negative integer combination of 5, 8 and 24 equals n
    Otherwise returns False.
    if n < 5:
        return False
    N = n
    while N >= 0:
        if  N % 24 == 0 or N % 8 == 0 or N % 5 == 0: # if N / 24 is equal to 0 then we can buy N pens
            return True
        if N < 5:
            return False    # if N < 5 we cannot buy any pens
        if  N > 24:         # if N is greater than 24 , take away 24 and continue loop
            N -= 24
        elif N > 8:         # if N is greater than 8, take away 8 and continue loop
            N -= 8
            N -= 5          # else take away 5 and continue loop


if  N % 24 == 0 or N % 8 == 0 or N % 5 == 0

如果你去掉上面的模(%)检查,那么你的算法就是所谓的贪婪算法。每次迭代都会减去最大的数。你可能已经注意到了,贪心算法不起作用。例如,对于15 = 5 + 5 + 5,它给出了错误的答案。

 15 (-8) --> 7 (-5) --> 2 --> False

通过添加模量检查,您已经改进了贪婪算法,因为它现在正确处理15。但它仍然有漏洞:例如,26 = 8 + 8 + 5 + 5。

 26 (-24) --> 2 --> False


def numPens(n):
    n is a non-negative integer
    Returns True if some non-negative integer combination of 5, 8 and 24 equals n
    Otherwise returns False.
    # Base case: Negative numbers are by definition false.
    if n < 0:
        return False
    # Base case: 0 is true. It is formed by a combination of zero addends,
    # and zero is a non-negative integer.
    if n == 0:
        return True
    # General case: Try subtracting *each* of the possible numbers, not just
    # the largest one. No matter what n-x will always be smaller than n so
    # eventually we'll reach one of the base cases (either a negative number or 0).
    for x in (24, 8, 5):
        if numPens(n - x):
            return True
    return False




if n > 40: 
    return True


你可以让它更有效率,通过维护一个查找表的值(n <40)。



def numPens(n):
    if n < 5:
        return False
    elif n==5 or n==8 or n==24:
        return True
        return numPens(n-5) or numPens(n-8) or numPens(n-24)


n=5a+8b+24c <=> n=5a+8(b+3c),因此你可以有一个函数:

def numPens(n):
    if n < 5:
        return False
    if n % 8 == 0 or n % 5 == 0:
        return True
        return numPens(n-8) or numPens(n-5)
def numPens(n):
    global cantidad
    cantidad = cantidad + 1
    if n < 5:
        return False
    elif n%5==0 or n%8==0 or n%24==0:
        return True
        return numPens(n-5) or numPens(n-8) or numPens(n-24)


