MS Access SQL -捕获随时间变化的状态

我有一个Access 2007数据库,跟踪文档进展的时间。顺序如下:

  1. 送审
  2. 送审
  3. 批准
hist_id    doc_id    month   step    status  datestamp


SELECT doc_id, month, step, status, datestamp
FROM hist
WHERE (((hist.datestamp) In 
      Select Top 1 h.[datestamp]
      From hist as h
      Where h.[doc_id] = hist.[doc_id] and h.[month] = hist.[month]
      Order By h.[datestamp] DESC))
ORDER BY month, doc_id DESC;


doc_id  month   step status             datestamp
a       2011-01 2    sent for review    18/01/2011
b       2011-02 1    created            01/02/2011
a       2011-02 3    reviewed           19/02/2011
c       2011-03 1    created            07/03/2011
d       2011-03 1    created            08/03/2011
e       2011-06 1    created            14/06/2011
f       2011-07 1    created            05/07/2011
g       2011-07 4    sent for approval  18/07/2011
h       2011-07 2    sent for review    14/07/2011
f       2011-08 3    reviewed           29/08/2011
g       2011-08 5    approved           17/08/2011
h       2011-08 1    created            10/08/2011
e       2011-09 3    reviewed           17/09/2011

但是我真正需要的是我的查询也返回月份的状态没有改变的文档。例如,文档a的状态在19/02/2011上变为reviewed,但这是它最后一次出现在上面的结果中。它实际上应该在之后的每个月以reviewed的形式出现,直到后来成为sent for approval


 doc_id month   step    status          datestamp
a   2011-01 2   sent for review     18/01/2011
a   2011-02 3   reviewed        19/02/2011
b   2011-02 1   created         01/02/2011
a   2011-03 3   reviewed        19/02/2011
b   2011-03 1   created         01/02/2011
c   2011-03 1   created         07/03/2011
d   2011-03 1   created         08/03/2011
a   2011-04 3   reviewed        19/02/2011
b   2011-04 1   created         01/02/2011
c   2011-04 1   created         07/03/2011
d   2011-04 1   created         08/03/2011
a   2011-05 3   reviewed        19/02/2011
b   2011-05 1   created         01/02/2011
c   2011-05 1   created         07/03/2011
d   2011-05 1   created         08/03/2011
a   2011-06 3   reviewed        19/02/2011
b   2011-06 1   created         01/02/2011
c   2011-06 1   created         07/03/2011
d   2011-06 1   created         08/03/2011
e   2011-06 1   created         14/06/2011
a   2011-07 3   reviewed        19/02/2011
b   2011-07 1   created         01/02/2011
c   2011-07 1   created         07/03/2011
d   2011-07 1   created         08/03/2011
e   2011-07 1   created         14/06/2011
f   2011-07 1   created         05/07/2011
g   2011-07 4   sent for appr   18/07/2011
h   2011-07 2   sent for rev    14/07/2011
a   2011-08 3   reviewed        19/02/2011
b   2011-08 1   created         01/02/2011
c   2011-08 1   created         07/03/2011
d   2011-08 1   created         08/03/2011
e   2011-08 1   created         14/06/2011
f   2011-08 3   reviewed        29/08/2011
g   2011-08 5   approved        17/08/2011
h   2011-08 1   created         10/08/2011
a   2011-09 3   reviewed        19/02/2011
b   2011-09 1   created         01/02/2011
c   2011-09 1   created         07/03/2011
d   2011-09 1   created         08/03/2011
e   2011-09 1   reviewed        17/09/2011
f   2011-09 3   reviewed        29/08/2011
g   2011-09 5   approved        17/08/2011
h   2011-09 1   created         10/08/2011


这在SQL中工作,不使用任何特殊功能,所以应该在MS-ACCESS SQL中工作。


create table monthly (monthN char(7))
insert into monthly values('2011-01')
insert into monthly values('2011-02')



select d1.doc_id,d1.monthN,d1.step,d1.status,d1.dateStamp
from monthly m1
join docs d1 on d1.monthN=m1.monthN
select d2.doc_id,zz.monthN,d2.step,d2.status,d2.dateStamp
from docs d2
    select aa.doc_id,aa.monthN,bb.EndM from
    select yy.doc_id,yy.monthN from
        select d3.doc_id,m2.monthN
        from monthly m2
        join (select distinct doc_id from docs) d3 on 1=1
        ) yy
    left join docs xx on xx.doc_id=yy.doc_id and xx.monthN=yy.MonthN
    where xx.hist_id is null
    ) aa
    join (select doc_id,MIN(monthN) as startM,MAX(monthN) as EndM 
          from docs group by doc_id) 
          bb on bb.doc_id=aa.doc_id and aa.monthN>=bb.StartM
) zz
on zz.doc_id=d2.doc_id and zz.EndM=d2.monthN
order by d1.monthN,d1.doc_id 



  1. 创建months表来包含2011-08
  2. 这样的月份列表
  3. 创建month_range查询以从实际文档中获取月份范围

  4. SELECT month_no FROM months WHERE month BETWEEN(最小月份)AND(最大月份)
  5. month_rangehist表进行跨产品查询,其中hist.month_no <= month_range.month

  6. 上面的步骤留下一个表,每个文档每月有多个状态更改。在SELECT

  7. 中将month_nodoc_nomax(hist_id)分组
  8. INNER JOIN从上面的结果与hist表使用hist_id来访问状态


SELECT xx.month_no, xx.swp, xx.hist_id, h.status
     SELECT zz.month_no, zz.swp, Max(zz.hist_id) AS hist_id
          SELECT * FROM month_range AS mr, hist AS h 
          WHERE h.[first_of_month] <= mr.[first_of_month]
     ) zz
     GROUP BY zz.month_no, zz.swp
)  xx 
INNER JOIN hist as h ON xx.hist_id = h.hist_id;
