XNA 矢量数学运动

我正在用c# xna为我的大学游戏设计课制作一个自上而下的2D RPG游戏。我正在尝试创建一个简单的AI,将敌人推向玩家。目前我的代码如下

    /// <summary>
    /// method to move the enemy
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="target">the position of the target</param>
    /// <returns>the new position to be moved to</returns>
    public virtual Vector2 move(Vector2 target)
        Vector2 temp = (target - Position); // gets the difference between the target and position
        temp.Normalize();                   // sets the vector to unit vector
        temp *= moveSpeed;                  // sets the vector to be the length of moveSpeed
        float x = temp.X;
        float y = temp.Y;
        float xP, yP;
        double angle = Math.Acos(((x * direction.X) + (y * direction.Y)) / (temp.Length() * direction.Length())); //dot product finds the angle between temp and direction
        angle *= agility;                                                                                        //gets the angle to move based on agility
        xP = (float)(Math.Cos(angle) * (x - direction.X) - Math.Sin(angle) * (y - direction.Y) + x); 
        yP = (float)(Math.Sin(angle) * (x - direction.X) - Math.Cos(angle) * (y - direction.Y) + y);            // these lines rotate the point x,y around the direction vector by angle "angle"
        return new Vector2(xP, yP);


    /// <summary>
    /// updates the enemy
    /// </summary>
    public void update()
        this.Position = move(Game1.player.Position);

但是敌人根本不动。我向构造函数添加了代码,以确保敏捷性和移动速度不为 0。更改这些值不会执行任何操作。



xP = (float)(Math.Cos(angle) * (x - direction.X) - Math.Sin(angle) * (y - direction.Y) + x);  
yP = (float)(Math.Sin(angle) * (x - direction.X) - Math.Cos(angle) * (y - direction.Y) + y);            // these lines rotate the point x,y around the direction vector by angle "angle" 
return new Vector2(xP, yP); 


temp *= moveSpeed;                  // sets the vector to be the length of moveSpeed    
float x = temp.X;    
float y = temp.Y; 
return new Vector2(x, y);


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