使用谓词搜索字符串 - Scala


def find(x: char => 布尔值): 布尔值 = {


例如,如果 x 是 (_ == ' ')

字符串 = "嗨,我的名字是">

它会在计数器上加 2 并返回 true


由于find是一个高阶函数(HOF) - 也就是说,它是一个将函数作为参数的函数 - 它可能需要应用于String实例。谓词(find的函数参数)确定何时找到要查找的字符,find方法报告找到该字符的位置。所以find应该返回一个Option[Int],而不是一个Boolean,这样你就不会丢失有关角色在哪里找到的信息。请注意,您仍可以通过对结果应用.isDefined,将Option[Int]结果更改为Boolean值(true表示搜索成功,false不成功)。


import scala.annotation.tailrec
// Implicit class cannot be a top-level element, so it's put in an object.
object StringUtils {
// "Decorate" strings with additional functions.
final implicit class MyRichString(val s: String)
extends AnyVal {
// Find a character satisfying predicate p, report position.
def myFind(p: Char => Boolean): Option[Int] = {
// Helper function to keep track of current position.
def currentPos(pos: Int): Option[Int] = {
// If we've passed the end of the string, return None. Didn't find a
// character satisfying predicate.
if(pos >= s.length) None
// Otherwise, if the predicate passes for the current character,
// return position wrapped in Some.
else if(p(s(pos))) Some(pos)
// Otherwise, perform another iteration, looking at the next character.
else currentPos(pos + 1)
// Start by looking at the first (0th) character.
import StringUtils._
val myString = "hi my name is"
myString.myFind(_ == ' ') // Should report Some(2)
myString.myFind(_ == ' ').isDefined // Should report true
myString.myFind(_ == 'X') // Should report None
myString.myFind(_ == 'X').isDefined // Should report false


def find(s: String, p: Char => Boolean): Option[Int] = {
// Helper function to keep track of current position.
def currentPos(pos: Int): Option[Int] = {
// If we've passed the end of the string, return None. Didn't find a
// character satisfying predicate.
if(pos >= s.length) None
// Otherwise, if the predicate passes for the current character,
// return position wrapped in Some.
else if(p(s(pos))) Some(pos)
// Otherwise, perform another iteration, looking at the next character.
else currentPos(pos + 1)
// Start by looking at the first (0th) character.
val myString = "hi my name is"
find(myString, _ == ' ') // Should report Some(2)
find(myString, _ == ' ').isDefined // Should report true
find(myString, _ == 'X') // Should report None
find(myString, _ == 'X').isDefined // Should report false


"hi my name is".count (_ == 'm')
"hi my name is".toList.filter (_ == 'i').size


"hi my name is".toList.exists (_ == 'i')
"hi my name is".contains ('j')


"hi my name is".zipWithIndex.filter {case (a, b) => a == 'i'}
res8: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[(Char, Int)] = Vector((i,1), (i,11))


scala> "hi my name is".find (_ == 'x') 
res27: Option[Char] = None
scala> "hi my name is".find (_ == 's') 
res28: Option[Char] = Some(s)

我建议将字符searchposition分成单独的方法,每个方法都利用String中的内置函数,并包装在implicit class中:

object MyStringOps {
implicit class CharInString(s: String) {
def charPos(c: Char): Int = s.indexOf(c)
def charFind(p: Char => Boolean): Boolean =
s.find(p) match {
case Some(_) => true
case None => false
import MyStringOps._
"hi my name is".charPos(' ')
// res1: Int = 2
"hi my name is".charFind(_ == ' ')
// res2: Boolean = true
