











所有这些subs都以每个订单的订单出现在一个名为tmrgameTime(Interval 500(的计时器上,以称为frmgame(尺寸700,700(的表格

  'Dictionaries used to log and describe the movement of the balls onscreen.
Dim spawnedBalls As Dictionary(Of Integer, PictureBox) = New Dictionary(Of Integer, PictureBox)
Dim ballVelocity As Dictionary(Of Integer, Integer) = New Dictionary(Of Integer, Integer)
Dim ballDirection As Dictionary(Of Integer, String) = New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)
'Variables used in the composition of dictionaries.
Dim ballNameNumber As Integer = 1
Dim numberOfBalls As Integer = 0
Dim level As Integer = 1
Dim ball As New Picturebox
'Turns on the game timer
Private Sub frmGame_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    tmrGameTime.Enabled = True
End Sub
'Sets values to the ball variable (must be done within a sub otherwise an error is dispayed)
Public Sub ballSetUpLeft(ByRef ballTemplate)
    ballTemplate.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
    ballTemplate.Width = 34
    ballTemplate.Height = 29
    ballTemplate.Top = 325
    ballTemplate.Left = 55
    ballTemplate.Image = My.Resources.Baseball_Sprite
End Sub
Public Sub ballSetUpRight(ByRef ballTemplate)
    ballTemplate.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
    ballTemplate.Width = 34
    ballTemplate.Height = 29
    ballTemplate.Top = 325
    ballTemplate.Left = 593
    ballTemplate.Image = My.Resources.Baseball_Sprite
End Sub
Public Sub ballSetUpTop(ByRef ballTemplate)
    ballTemplate.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
    ballTemplate.Width = 34
    ballTemplate.Height = 29
    ballTemplate.Top = 59
    ballTemplate.Left = 333
    ballTemplate.Image = My.Resources.Baseball_Sprite
End Sub
Public Sub ballSetUpBottom(ByRef ballTemplate)
    ballTemplate.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
    ballTemplate.Width = 34
    ballTemplate.Height = 29
    ballTemplate.Top = 574
    ballTemplate.Left = 333
    ballTemplate.Image = My.Resources.Baseball_Sprite
End Sub

'Generates a random speed for a spawned ball based on the level value.
Public Function generateBallSpeed(ByVal level) As Integer
    Dim ans As Integer = (((Rnd() * 10) * level) + 1)
    Return ans
End Function

'Logs the ball data into dictionaries
Public Sub createBall(ByRef spawnedBalls, ByRef ballVelocity, ByRef ballNameNumber, ByRef numberOfBalls, ByRef ballTemplate)
    'Adds a new ball with name and ballTemplate values to the dictionary.
    spawnedBalls.Add(ballNameNumber, ballTemplate)
    Dim v As Integer = generateBallSpeed(level)
    'Using the matching name, adds a velocity value to the ball
    ballVelocity.Add(ballNameNumber, v)
End Sub

'Spawns ball at a specific location on the form.
Public Sub spawnBallAtPitcher()
    Dim pitcher As Integer = Int((4 - 1 + 1) * Rnd() + 1)
    Select Case pitcher
        Case 1
            Call ballSetUpLeft(ballTemplate)
            Call createBall(spawnedBalls, ballVelocity, ballNameNumber, numberOfBalls, ballTemplate)
            ballDirection.Add(ballNameNumber, "Left")
            ballNameNumber += 1
            Me.Controls.Add(spawnedBalls.Item(ballNameNumber - 1))
        Case 2
            Call ballSetUpRight(ballTemplate)
            Call createBall(spawnedBalls, ballVelocity, ballNameNumber, numberOfBalls, ballTemplate)
            ballDirection.Add(ballNameNumber, "Right")
            ballNameNumber += 1
            Me.Controls.Add(spawnedBalls.Item(ballNameNumber - 1))
        Case 3
            Call ballSetUpTop(ballTemplate)
            Call createBall(spawnedBalls, ballVelocity, ballNameNumber, numberOfBalls, ballTemplate)
            ballDirection.Add(ballNameNumber, "Top")
            ballNameNumber += 1
            Me.Controls.Add(spawnedBalls.Item(ballNameNumber - 1))
        Case 4
            Call ballSetUpBottom(ballTemplate)
            Call createBall(spawnedBalls, ballVelocity, ballNameNumber, numberOfBalls, ballTemplate)
            ballDirection.Add(ballNameNumber, "Down")
            ballNameNumber += 1
            Me.Controls.Add(spawnedBalls.Item(ballNameNumber - 1))
    End Select
End Sub
'Repeatedly spawns balls
Private Sub tmrGameTime_Tick_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmrGameTime.Tick
    Call spawnBallAtPitcher()
End Sub




'Sets values to the ball variable (must be done within a sub otherwise an error is dispayed)
Public Function ballSetUpLeft() As PictureBox
    Dim newBall As New PictureBox
    newBall.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
    newBall.Width = 34
    newBall.Height = 29
    newBall.Top = 325
    newBall.Left = 55
    newBall.Image = My.Resources.Baseball_Sprite
    Return newBall
End Function
Public Function ballSetUpRight() As PictureBox
    Dim newBall As New PictureBox
    newBall.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
    newBall.Width = 34
    newBall.Height = 29
    newBall.Top = 325
    newBall.Left = 593
    newBall.Image = My.Resources.Baseball_Sprite
    Return newBall
End Function
Public Function ballSetUpTop() As PictureBox
    Dim newBall As New PictureBox
    newBall.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
    newBall.Width = 34
    newBall.Height = 29
    newBall.Top = 59
    newBall.Left = 333
    newBall.Image = My.Resources.Baseball_Sprite
    Return newBall
End Function
Public Function ballSetUpBottom() As PictureBox
    Dim newBall As New PictureBox
    newBall.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
    newBall.Width = 34
    newBall.Height = 29
    newBall.Top = 574
    newBall.Left = 333
    newBall.Image = My.Resources.Baseball_Sprite
    Return newBall
End Function


Select Case pitcher
    Case 1
        Dim newBall = ballSetUpLeft()
        Call createBall(spawnedBalls, ballVelocity, ballNameNumber, numberOfBalls, newBall)
        ballDirection.Add(ballNameNumber, "Left")
        ballNameNumber += 1
        Me.Controls.Add(spawnedBalls.Item(ballNameNumber - 1))
    Case 2
        Dim newBall = ballSetUpRight()
        Call createBall(spawnedBalls, ballVelocity, ballNameNumber, numberOfBalls, newBall)
        ballDirection.Add(ballNameNumber, "Right")
        ballNameNumber += 1
        Me.Controls.Add(spawnedBalls.Item(ballNameNumber - 1))
    Case 3
        Dim newBall = ballSetUpTop()
        Call createBall(spawnedBalls, ballVelocity, ballNameNumber, numberOfBalls, newBall)
        ballDirection.Add(ballNameNumber, "Top")
        ballNameNumber += 1
        Me.Controls.Add(spawnedBalls.Item(ballNameNumber - 1))
    Case 4
        Dim newBall = ballSetUpBottom()
        Call createBall(spawnedBalls, ballVelocity, ballNameNumber, numberOfBalls, newBall)
        ballDirection.Add(ballNameNumber, "Down")
        ballNameNumber += 1
        Me.Controls.Add(spawnedBalls.Item(ballNameNumber - 1))
End Select



Public Class frmGame
    'Dictionaries used to log and describe the movement of the balls onscreen.
    Private balls = New Dictionary(Of Integer, Ball)
    'Variables used in the composition of dictionaries.
    Private random As New Random
    Private lastBallID As Integer
    Private Const level As Integer = 1
    Private Sub frmGame_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        'Turns on the game timer
        tmrGameTime.Enabled = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub tmrGameTime_Tick_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmrGameTime.Tick
        'Repeatedly spawns balls
    End Sub
    'Spawns ball at a specific location on the form.
    Private Sub spawnBallAtPitcher()
        lastBallID += 1
        Dim pitcher As Direction = random.Next(4) + 1
        Dim newBall = createBall(lastBallID, pitcher, random)
        'Logs the ball data into dictionaries
        balls.Add(lastBallID, newBall)
    End Sub
    'Create new ball, set its ID, direction, velocity and picture
    Private Function createBall(ballID As Integer, direction As Direction, rnd As Random) As Ball
        Return New Ball With {
            .BallID = ballID,
            .Direction = direction,
            .Velocity = generateBallSpeed(level, rnd),
            .Picture = generateBallPicture(direction)
    End Function
    'Generates a random speed for a spawned ball based on the level value.
    Private Function generateBallSpeed(ByVal level As Integer, ByVal rnd As Random) As Integer
        Return (rnd.Next(10) + 1) * level
    End Function
    'Generates a new picture of ball
    Private Function generateBallPicture(direction As Direction) As PictureBox
        Dim location = generatePictureLocation(direction)
        Return New PictureBox With {
            .SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage,
            .Width = 34,
            .Height = 29,
            .Top = location.Y,
            .Left = location.X,
            .Image = My.Resources.Baseball_Sprite
    End Function
    'Generates a location for new picture of ball
    Private Function generatePictureLocation(direction As Direction) As Point
        Select Case direction
            Case Direction.Left
                Return New Point(55, 325)
            Case Direction.Right
                Return New Point(593, 325)
            Case Direction.Top
                Return New Point(333, 59)
            Case Direction.Bottom
                Return New Point(333, 574)
        End Select
    End Function
End Class
Public Enum Direction
    Left = 1
End Enum
Public Class Ball
    Public Property BallID As Integer
    Public Property Velocity As Integer
    Public Property Direction As Integer
    Public Property Picture As PictureBox
End Class
