


Sub TableWordColorReplace()
Dim C As Cell
Dim tableCount As Long
Dim Ctr As Integer
Dim backColor As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim range As range
Dim TargetList
tableCount = ActiveDocument.Tables.Count  'to account for any/all tables in the document
TargetList = Array("word1", "word2", "word3")

For Ctr = 1 To tableCount  'cycle thru each table in the document
    For Each C In ActiveDocument.Tables(Ctr).range.Cells  'search in every cell in the table
        backColor = C.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor  'the color I want to change the found text to
        For i = 0 To UBound(TargetList)  'cycle thru each word in the list
            With C.range.Find
                .Text = TargetList(i)
                With .Replacement
                    .Text = TargetList(i)
                    .Font.Color = backColor  'this is where I expect the word color to change, but it doesn't
                End With
                .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
            End With
    Next C
Next Ctr
End Sub

我的期望是,当在任何单元格中找到该单词时,.代码的替换部分会将单词颜色更改为 backColor 变量值,但文本颜色不会更改。


如果您的单元格背景始终为白色,则可以执行.Font.Color = wdColorWhite,否则您可以检查默认值,即:

        backColor = C.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor  'the color I want to change the found text to
        If backColor = -16777216 Then backColor = wdColorWhite

