如何在通知期间致电Xamarin IOS中的Avplayer,而不是最大持续时间通知声音



public void AVPlayer()
    NSUrl songURL;
    if (!MusicOn) return;
    //Song url from your local Resource  
    songURL = new NSUrl("azan.wav");
    NSError err;
    player = new AVAudioPlayer(songURL, "Song", out err);
    player.Volume = MusicVolume;
    player.FinishedPlaying += delegate {
        // backgroundMusic.Dispose();  
        player = null;
    //Background Music play  
public void CreateRequest(JamatTime jamat)
    // Create action
    var actionID = "pause";
    var title = "PAUSE";
    var action = UNNotificationAction.FromIdentifier(actionID, title, UNNotificationActionOptions.None);
    // Create category
    var categoryID = "message";
    var actions = new UNNotificationAction[] { action };
    var intentIDs = new string[] { };
    var categoryOptions = new UNNotificationCategoryOptions[] { };
    var category = UNNotificationCategory.FromIdentifier(categoryID, actions, intentIDs, UNNotificationCategoryOptions.None);
    // Register category
    var categories = new UNNotificationCategory[] { category };
    UNUserNotificationCenter.Current.SetNotificationCategories(new NSSet<UNNotificationCategory>(categories));
    // Rebuild notification
    var content = new UNMutableNotificationContent();
    content.Title = " Jamat Time alert";
    content.Badge = 1;
    content.CategoryIdentifier = "message";`enter code here`
    content.Sound = UNNotificationSound.GetSound("sample.wav");
    var times = new string[] { jamat.Asr, jamat.Dhuhr, jamat.Faijr, jamat.Ishaa, jamat.Jumah, jamat.Maghib };
    int id = 0;
    foreach (var time in times)
        var ndate = DateTime.ParseExact(time, "h:mm tt", null);
        var date = new NSDateComponents()
            Calendar = NSCalendar.CurrentCalendar,
            Hour = ndate.Hour,
            Minute = ndate.Minute,
            Second = 0
        content.UserInfo = new NSDictionary<NSString, NSString>(
            new NSString[] {
            new NSString[] {
                (NSString)DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm tt"),
        var trigger = UNCalendarNotificationTrigger.CreateTrigger(date, true);
        // ID of Notification to be updated
        var request = UNNotificationRequest.FromIdentifier(id++.ToString(), content, trigger);
        // Add to system to modify existing Notification
        UNUserNotificationCenter.Current.AddNotificationRequest(request, (err1) =>
            if (err1 != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", err1);
            Console.WriteLine($"Success: {request}");


看来您知道不注明:https://developer.apple.com/documentation/usernotification/usernotifications/unnotificationaund?language = objc。但是我仍然想提醒您文件的格式和长度限制。

