如何使用 Flutter 解析嵌套的 JSON?


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"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>I just finished part 7 of the Full Stack Open course (<a href="https://www.fullstackopen.com/en">www.fullstackopen.com/en</a>) and due to graphQL and typescript not being within the core content of the course, I thought I might try and learn docker. </p>nn<p>Turns out, trying to learn docker is just making me even more confused than when I didn't even know docker existed. </p>nn<p>​</p>nn<p>Could someone explain to me, when is a good time to use docker? How one would go about using docker, and when in someone's learning path would one ideally learn docker?</p>nn<p>​</p>nn<p>I am still learning react, databases, and overall front-end and back-end web development currently. The most I have done thus-far is hosting an app I made on heroku. I haven't setup a personal website, portfolio, or hosted an app on an independent website either.</p>n</div><!-- SC_ON -->",
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我想解析此 JSON 数据,但我不知道如何解析它。我使用简单的 json,但我不知道如何解析嵌套的 json,请帮助我。我想解析此 JSON 数据,但我不知道如何解析它。我使用简单的 json,但我不知道如何解析嵌套的 json,请帮助我。



此库将为每个模型生成 Json 和 toJson 的转换代码,并带有@JsonSerializable


使用此链接准备 Json 的模型类 https://javiercbk.github.io/json_to_dart/

HttpResponse Response = callApi;

然后在得到响应后,只需使用 json.decode;


Map userMap = jsonDecode(jsonString);
var user = User.fromJson(userMap);


首先,您需要一个表示 JSON 的类,该方法使用fromJson将 JSON 解析到您的对象中。

此外,还应将嵌套类用于嵌套的 JSON 字段


class JSONRepresentation {
final String kind;
final Data data;
JSONRepresentation({this.kind, this.data});
JSONRepresentation .fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> data)
: kind = data['kind'],
data = Data .fromJson(data['data']);
class Data {
final String modhash;
final int dist;
//final List<AnotherDataClass> children;
final String after;
Data({this.modhash, this.dist, this.after});
Data .fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> data)
: modhash = data['modhash'],
dist = data['dist'],
after = data['after'];

然后您可以使用dart:convert解析它,并从表示 JSON 的对象中获取数据,如下所示

import "dart:convert";
void main() {
var jsonData = 
'{"kind": "Testing",
"data": { 
"modhash": "fffffghhhhhhbf0bb4601d6158db548b5296632215a0",
"dist": 75, 
//"children": [...],
"after": "ggggggg"}}';
var parsedJson = json.decode(jsonData);
var jsonRepresentationObject = JSONRepresentation.fromJson(parsedJson);
//Example of getting data from objects  representing JSON
print("kind: "+ jsonRepresentationObject.kind +
"nData modhash: " + jsonRepresentationObject.data.modhash);

你可以在这里测试我的例子 - 在线飞镖编译器
