




import numpy as np
import random
MAX_STEP_SIZE = 0.90    # maximum size of a single step [m]
NUM_STEPS = 500         # number of steps in a random walk []
NUM_WALKS = 10        # number of random walks in a run []
TOLERANCE = 0.001    # separation of points considered the same [m]
STEP_TO_RECORD_1 = 100 # first step to record and analyze []
STEP_TO_RECORD_2 = 500 # 2nd step to record and analyze []
def distance(posA, posB) :
    """Distance between two positions"""
    return np.abs(posA - posB)

def initialPosition() :
    """Initial position of walker at the start of a random walk"""
    return 0.0
def genPositions(nSteps, maxStep) :
    """Return the new position after a random step between -maxStep and
    maxStep, given the previous position"""
    genArray1 = (maxStep - (-maxStep))*(np.random.random(nSteps+1)) + (-maxStep)
    return np.cumsum(genArray1)
oneStep = np.zeros(NUM_WALKS)
fiveStep = np.zeros(NUM_WALKS)
zeroStep = np.zeros(NUM_WALKS)
walkArray = np.zeros(NUM_WALKS)
counter = 1
hitcounter = 0
zerocounter = 0
keepchecking = bool(1)
for ii in range(NUM_WALKS):
    position = (genPositions(NUM_STEPS, MAX_STEP_SIZE))   
    oneStep[ii] = position[100]
    fiveStep[ii] = position[-1]
    zeroArray = np.sort(position)
    while keepchecking == bool(1):
        zerocounter = 0
        for jj in range(len(zeroArray)):
            hitcounter = 0
            if distance(zeroArray[jj+counter], zeroArray[jj]) <= TOLERANCE:
               hitcounter +=1
            zerocounter += hitcounter
            counter +=1
            if hitcounter == 0:
                keepchecking = bool(0)
    zeroStep[ii] = zerocounter



deltas = np.abs(position[None, :] - position[:, None])

deltas[i, j]为步骤i和步骤j位置之间的距离。你可以得到点击:

hits = deltas <= TOLERANCE


row, col = np.nonzero(hits)
idx = row < col # get rid of the diagonal and the upper triangular part
row = row[idx]
col = col[idx]


>>> position = genPositions(NUM_STEPS, MAX_STEP_SIZE)
>>> row, col = np.nonzero(np.abs(position[None, :] -
...                              position[:, None]) < TOLERANCE)
>>> idx = row < col
>>> row= row[idx]
>>> col = col[idx]
>>> row
array([ 35,  40, 112, 162, 165, 166, 180, 182, 200, 233, 234, 252, 253,
       320, 323, 325, 354, 355, 385, 432, 443, 451], dtype=int64)
>>> col
array([ 64,  78, 115, 240, 392, 246, 334, 430, 463, 366, 413, 401, 315,
       380, 365, 348, 438, 435, 401, 483, 473, 492], dtype=int64)
>>> for j in xrange(len(row)) :
...     print '{0}, {1} --> {2}, {3}'.format(row[j], col[j], position[row[j]],
...                                          position[col[j]]) 
35, 64 --> 2.56179226445, 2.56275159205
40, 78 --> 2.97310455111, 2.97247314695
112, 115 --> 3.40413767436, 3.40420856824
432, 483 --> 10.2560778101, 10.2556475598
443, 473 --> 10.7463713139, 10.7460626764
451, 492 --> 12.3804383241, 12.3805940238
