
我有一个简单的问题,我在文本的div上面显示图片。只有在Internet explorer浏览器中,图片之间才会出现空白。当文本不应该有空格的时候(比如在Firefox中没有空格)。


    <style type="text/css">
        .pageBox        { width: 873px; }
        .pageBoxContent { background-color: blue; padding: auto; margin: auto; /*background: url("images/pageBoxMid.png") repeat-y;*/
                          padding-right: 50px; padding-left: 50px; margin-top: 0px; background-color: blue; }
        .pageBoxTop     { background-color: red; }
        .pageBoxBottom  { background-color: red; }
    <div id="container">
        <div class="pageBox">
            <img class="pageBoxTop" src="images/pageBoxTop.png" alt=""/>
            <!-- Gap appears here on display -->
            <div class="pageBoxContent">
                It was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the Seleu
            <img class="pageBoxBottom" src="images/pageBoxBottom.png" alt=""/>

尝试添加padding-top: 0px到。pageboxcontent -这能解决间距问题吗?


IE(偶尔也有一些其他浏览器)喜欢让人觉得在图像旁边有一行文本,有时会在图像和其他东西之间引入空格,因为它试图将图像与(虚幻)文本的基线对齐。你通常可以通过在包含图像的div上设置font-size: 0来消除它。

在你的例子中,这个div也包含你的文本,所以你可能需要用一个div来包围你的图像,并将这个div设置为font-size: 0;

尝试在img元素上设置display: block。如果没有它,IE可能会试图将img的底部与文本的基线对齐,并为"悬挂"字母如"g"或"y"留下空间。


