如何在RESTful API中管理关系



  • 项目有问题,这些问题也由某个用户管理。
  • 问题有评论,这些评论反过来也由某个用户管理(让我们说发布)
  • 项目也由用户管理。


  - User
  - Project
  - Issue
  - Comment
1. User
  > Immediate Requirement
    GET       api/users/                /* Authenticate, and then return list of all users */
    GET       api/users/:id             /* Authenticate, and return a particular user */
    POST      api/users/                /* Create a new user */
    PUT       api/users/:id             /* Authenticate, and update a particular user */
  > Add-on Requirement
    GET       api/users/:id/projects/   /* Authenticate, and return list of projects of particular user */
  > Never Mind Requirement
    DELETE    api/users/                /* Authenticate, and delete all users */
    DELETE    api/users/:id             /* Authenticate, and delete a particular user */
2. Project
  > Immediate Requirement
    GET       api/projects/             /* Authenticate, and then return list of all projects */
    GET       api/projects/:id          /* Authenticate, and return a particular project */
    POST      api/projects/             /* Authenticate, and create a new project */
    PUT       api/projects/:id          /* Authenticate, and update a particular project */
  > Add-on Requirement
    GET       api/projects/:id/issues   /* Authenticate, and return a list of issues of particular project */
    POST      api/projects/:id/issues   /* Authenticate, and create new issue for particular project */
    DELETE    api/projects/:id/issues   /* Authenticate, and delete all issues of particular project */
  > Never Mind Requirement
    DELETE    api/projects/             /* Authenticate, and delete all projects */
    DELETE    api/projects/:id          /* Authenticate, and delete a particular project */
3. Issue
  > Immediate Requirement
    GET       api/issues/               /* Authenticate, and then return list of all issues */
    GET       api/issues/:id            /* Authenticate, and return a particular issue */
    PUT       api/issues/:id            /* Authenticate, and update a particular issue */
  > Add-on Requirement
    GET       api/issues/:id/comments   /* Authenticate, and return a list of comments of particular issue */
    POST      api/issues/:id/comments   /* Authenticate, and create a new comment for particular issue */
    DELETE    api/issues/:id/comments   /* Authenticate, and delete all comments of particular issue */
  > Never Mind Requirement
    DELETE    api/issues/               /* Authenticate, and delete all issues */
    DELETE    api/issues/:id            /* Authenticate, and delete a particular issue */
4. Comment
  > Immediate Requirement
    GET       api/comments/             /* Authenticate, and then return list of all comments */
    GET       api/comments/:id          /* Authenticate, and return a particular comment */
    PUT       api/comments/:id          /* Authenticate, and update a particular comment */
  > Never Mind Requirement
    DELETE    api/comments/             /* Authenticate, and delete all comments */
    DELETE    api/comments/:id          /* Authenticate, and delete a particular comment */




REST对URI设计没有限制。例如下面的URI api/issues/:id/comments,唯一重要的部分是:id。其他任何事情都可能是基于意见的。这是因为您通过REST发送回链接,链接将包含URI或URI模板,因此您的客户端不需要从头构建URI。这些链接具有链接关系,客户端将使用它来检查链接的功能以及如何显示它。因此,URI仅供内部使用,如果遵循HATEOAS约束,则不需要编制文档。另一个参考:http://roy.gbiv.com/untangled/2008/rest-apis-must-be-hypertext-driven

