Lua 元表变量声明



函数对象:新((    o = o 或 {        x = 0    }    设置元表(O,自我(    self.__index = 自我    self.y = 0返回 o结束表 = 对象:新((

稍后变量(o.x 和 self.y(之间有什么区别?

如果我print_r变量table,则只返回 x。但是,可以访问table.xtable.y。这让我意识到两者之间是有区别的。


稍后变量(o.x 和 self.y(之间有什么区别?

您这里有两张表, object o


o 是在每次调用 object:new 中创建的新表。 o.x是表中的字段 o

o表只有一个条目:o["x"] ,因此当您迭代表中的条目时(如print_r一样(,这就是您将看到的全部内容。

那么o.y为什么要给你一个价值呢?因为您将表object设置为 o 的元表,并且该元表设置了__index字段,所以当索引尝试在 o 上失败时,Lua 将通过 o元表重试(如果它设置了__index(。


o = { x = 33 }
print(o.x, o.y) --> 33 nil
-- let's give o a metatable
mt = { y = 20 }
setmetatable(o, mt)
-- we've given o a metatable, but that metatable doesn't have an __index member set
print(o.y) --> nil
-- metatable `handlers` are normally functions that handle events
-- here we create a handler for indexing a table if the key doesn't exist in the table:
mt.__index = function(t,k)
  print("An attempt was made to index table", t, "with the key", k)
  return 5150
-- we've given o's metatable a handler for indexing which always returns 5150
print(o.x) --> 33
print(o.y) --> 5150
print(o.z) --> 5150
print(o.donut) --> 5150
-- note that Lua has a "rawget" function, which bypasses the metatable mechanics
print(rawget(o,'x')) --> 33, we get a value, because o actually contains "x"
print(rawget(o,'y')) --> nil, back to nil, because the metatable is being ignored
-- the __index metatable handler is special. Instead of providing a function
-- to handle missing key events, you can give it a table. If an index attempt fails,
-- it will try again in the __index table
mt.__index = mt -- we could have used a third table here, but mt has the y entry we want
-- we've changed the metatable handler, so now we'll get 777
print(o.y) --> 777
-- changes to the metatable are reflected in any object using it as metatable
mt.__index.y = 999
print(o.y) --> 999
-- now we give `o` it's OWN "y" entry, so the metatable handler will no longer be invoked
o.y = 2112
print(o.y) --> 2112
print(rawget(o, 'y')) --> o really owns this "y" entry
print(mt.__index.y) --> 999, the metatable was untouched by our write to o.y
