C语言 如果字符串长度大于给定参数 if 语句,则不激活 else 部分


#include <stdio.h> //library containing built in functions for C
#include <stdlib.h> // contains general purpose library for C
#include <string.h>  //library containing methods for manipulating strings
int main()
// creates character input array of size 5
char input[20];
//initialize variable i
int i;
//initialize variable length
int length;
//prints the phrase
//printf("Your pass phrase is: ");
// used to read input string, gets replaced with fgets to secure input to array length
//assigns input to array length
//length = strlen(input);
//prints the phrase
printf("Your pass phrase is: ");
//assigns input to array length
length = strlen(input);
// if loop that if entered text is longer than 0 but shorter than 6 will encrypt data
if ((length > 0 && length <=10)){
// encrypts array iteratting through elements
for (i=0; i<length; i++)
// uses bitwise xor cipher to encrypt using 0x7f which shifts the characters out of the standard ascii range
input[i] = 0x7F ^ input[i];
// prints the encrypted text in an unreadable format
puts("To see the encrypted text press enter: ");
// iterates through the area printing the encrypted characters.
for(i=0;i<length; i++)
// uses xor cipher to shift data back into array by undoing the shift caused by 0x7f
for(i=0; i<length; i++)
input[i] = 0x7F ^ input[i];
// prints the now readable array
puts("nTo see recovered text press enter:");
//iterates through the array printing the contained characters
for(i=0; i<length; i++)
// prints the following phrase if the array is empty.
puts("User input has been checked and a valid pass phrase was not entered.");
return 0;




  • 如果像在原始代码中一样,缓冲区大小为20,并告诉fgets最多读取10个字符,那么如果用户输入的字符超过10个字符,则其余字符将保留stdin未读取状态。
  • 任何留在stdin未读的字符都将愉快地用作后面每个getchar()语句的输入,从而导致您完全失去对代码分支方式的控制。
  • 使用足够大小的缓冲区并允许fgets一次使用一整行将确保stdin(输入缓冲区)中没有未读字符。您会发现这是在 C 中获取大多数用户输入的关键。


提供能够容纳每行输入的缓冲区的替代方法是读取所需的字符数,然后在下一个输入之前手动清空stdin。这就像读取字符一样简单,直到达到'n'EOF。但。。。有一个问题。在尝试使用任何功能清空stdin之前,您必须知道字符仍然存在(例如getchar()将阻止 - 等待输入,直到输入存在才能被读取)。如果在没有任何要清空的内容时尝试以这种方式清空stdin,则用户将盯着闪烁的光标,想知道该怎么做。

回到你的代码。逻辑有点难以理解,但从包含的注释来看,您似乎考虑了一个正确的密码短语来加密它,一个包含1-5字符的短语。空密码或包含 6 个或更多字符的密码短语被视为无效。(从传递阶段的角度来看,实际数字是多少并不重要 - 这是一个关于输入和分支控制的练习)

如果我理解1-5字符(加密)或06或更多(无效)逻辑,那么您将需要调整代码的结构以更接近这一点。 从概述的角度来看,您要么有一个很好的密码短语来加密,要么没有。这将控制代码中的主要分支。您可以在单个if {..} else {..}语句中提供逻辑,例如

/* if input is longer than 0 but shorter than 6, encrypt data */
if (length && length < 6) {
/* all your good pass phrase code goes here */
else {  /* invalid pass phrase to begin with */
fputs ("error: pass phrase empty or greater than 5 chars.n", stderr);
return 1;




担心在两个缓冲区中使用 512 字节的大小 - 不要。大多数操作系统提供至少 1 Meg 的堆栈空间,因此 512 字节仅代表可用堆栈存储的0.048%。(您仍然有1048576 - 512 = 1048064字节的堆栈空间可用)

通过该更改,可以重写您的代码以包含与在第一个if {...}块中处理良好/加密密码相关的所有逻辑,例如

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAXC 256    /* if you need a constant, #define one (or more) */
int main (void) {
char    input[MAXC],    /* buffer to hold pass phrase */
tmp[MAXC];      /* temporary buffer for [enter] input */
size_t  i,              /* declares an UNINTIALIZED size_t */
length;         /*           (ditto)              */
fputs ("Your pass phrase is: ", stdout); /* no conversion, fputs is fine */
if (!fgets (input, MAXC, stdin)) {
fputs ("(user canceled input)n", stderr);
return 1;
/* remove 'n' by overwriting with '' (if present)
* saving length of input in length
input[(length = strcspn(input, "n"))] = 0;
/* if input is longer than 0 but shorter than 6, encrypt data */
if (length && length < 6) {
int     encrypted = 0;  /* flag keeping state of if pw encrypted */
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)    /* encrypt the pass phrase */
input[i] ^= 0x7f;
encrypted = 1;                  /* set flag true */
/* print encrypted text in an hex format (change as desired) */
fputs ("nTo see the encrypted text press [enter]: ", stdout);
if (fgets (tmp, MAXC, stdin) && *tmp == 'n') {
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
printf (" %02x", input[i]);
putchar ('n');
/* decrypt restoring plain-text pass phrase */
fputs ("ndecrypted pass phrase, press [enter]: ", stdout);
if (fgets (tmp, MAXC, stdin) && *tmp == 'n') {
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
input[i] ^= 0x7f;
encrypted = 0;              /* set flag false after decryption */
else {  /* if user pressed any other key (or generated EOF) */
fputs ("error: user chose not to decrypt pass phrase.n", stderr);
return 1;
/* output decrypted plain-text pass pharase (if decrypted) */
fputs ("nTo see recovered text press [enter]: ", stdout);
if (fgets (tmp, MAXC, stdin) && *tmp == 'n' && !encrypted) {
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
putchar (input[i]);
putchar ('n');
else {  /* invalid pass phrase to begin with */
fputs ("error: pass phrase empty or greater than 5 chars.n", stderr);
return 1;
return 0;




$ ./bin/pass0-5
Your pass phrase is: abcde
To see the encrypted text press [enter]:
1e 1d 1c 1b 1a
decrypted pass phrase, press [enter]:
To see recovered text press [enter]:


$ ./bin/pass0-5
Your pass phrase is: abcde
To see the encrypted text press [enter]:
1e 1d 1c 1b 1a
decrypted pass phrase, press [enter]: No, I don't want to!
error: user chose not to decrypt pass phrase.


$ ./bin/pass0-5
Your pass phrase is: abcdef
error: pass phrase empty or greater than 5 chars.


$ ./bin/pass0-5
Your pass phrase is:
error: pass phrase empty or greater than 5 chars.

