为 UUID 编写的 Java 脚本在 jmeter 中不起作用


vars.put("guid", "${__UUID}"); 
vars.put("appId", "ce547c40-acf9-11e6-80f5-76304dec7eb7");
var id=getAppInfo(appId, guid);

function getAppInfo(appId, guid( {

var appInfo = null;
var appIdBytes = guidToBytes(appId);
var guidBytes = guidToBytes(guid);
var appInfoBytes = [];
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < appIdBytes.length; cnt++) 
appInfoBytes[cnt] = appIdBytes[cnt] + guidBytes[cnt];
var appInfoGuidfromBytes = bytesToGuid(appInfoBytes);
return appInfoGuidfromBytes;
function bytesToGuid(guidBytes) {
var x = guidBytes;
var result = "";
var bytes = x.slice(0, 4).reverse().concat(x.slice(4, 6).reverse()).concat(x.slice(6, 8).reverse()).concat(x.slice(8));
var y = bytes.map(function (item) { return ('00' + item.toString(16)).substr(-2, 2) });
var byteArray = y;
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < byteArray.length; cnt++) {
if (cnt === 4 || cnt === 6 || cnt === 8 || cnt === 10)
result = result + "-" + byteArray[cnt];
result = result + byteArray[cnt];
return result;
function guidToBytes(guid) {
var bytes = [];
guid.split('-').map(function (number, index) {
var bytesInChar = index < 3 ? number.match(/.{1,2}/g).reverse() : number.match(/.{1,2}/g);
bytesInChar.map(function (byte) { bytes.push(parseInt(byte, 16)); });
return bytes;
// Create the Randon Number. It will call from NewGuid function.
function getRandomNumber() {
return (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0).toString(16).substring(1);    
// Creating GUID eg. "cbe26df8-2b01-4377-9ae8-1d023ccd5171"
// getRandomNumber returns 4 digit Alphanumeric number and we are going to concatenating this with "-" symbol and third number starts with "-4" and substring the random number and concatenate the string and return.
function newGuid() {
return (getRandomNumber() + getRandomNumber() + "-" + getRandomNumber() + "-4" + getRandomNumber().substr(0, 3) + "-" + getRandomNumber() + "-" + getRandomNumber() + getRandomNumber() + getRandomNumber()).toLowerCase();

你不应该在 JSR223 脚本中调用 JMeter 的函数。


然后使用 args 使用它:

vars.put("guid", args[0]); 

args - 参数作为字符串数组(在空格上拆分(
