递归调用. 如何以及为什么返回最大值?(新泽西州标准ML)


fun badmax (xs : int list)=
if null xs
then 0
else if null (tl xs)
then hd xs
else if hd xs > badmax(tl xs)
then hd xs
else badmax(tl xs)


fun badmax (xs : int list)=
if null xs  <- If the list is empty, return 0
then 0
else if null (tl xs)  <- If there is nothing returned by `null (tl xs)`, 
we will return hd xs.
Q: Are you sure there is anything left in `hd xs`? 
Note that if there is nothing left, calling
`hd xs` will raise exception. How can you be sure? 
then hd xs
else if hd xs > badmax(tl xs) Q: What are we comparing here? 
Think about what does `badmax(tl xs)` 
return and why would we return `hd xs` 
if the condition is satisfied.
Again, ask why `hd xs` and `tl xs` are legal.
then hd xs
else badmax(tl xs)            Q: Why would we want to return `badmax(tl xs)`

空列表中最大的元素不是 0。


fun max [] = raise Empty
| max [x] = x
| max (x::xs) = case max xs of
y => if x > y then x else y


max [3,9,7]
~> case max [9,7] of y1 => if 3 > y1 then 3 else y1
~> case (case max [7] of y2 => if 9 > y2 then 9 else y2) of
y1 => if 3 > y1 then 3 else y1
~> case (case 7 of y2 => if 9 > y2 then 9 else y2) of
y1 => if 3 > y1 then 3 else y1
~> case (if 9 > 7 then 9 else 7) of
y1 => if 3 > y1 then 3 else y1
~> case 9 of y1 => if 3 > y1 then 3 else y1
~> if 3 > 9 then 3 else 9
~> 9


fun max [] = raise Empty
| max [x] = x
| max (x::xs) = let val y = max xs
in if x > y then x else y


fun max [] = raise Empty
| max [x] = x
| max (x::xs) = Int.max (x, max xs)


max [3,9,7,5,6]
~> Int.max (3, max [9,7,5,6])
~> Int.max (3, Int.max (9, max [7,5,6]))
~> Int.max (3, Int.max (9, Int.max (7, max [5,6])))
~> Int.max (3, Int.max (9, Int.max (7, Int.max (5, max [6]))))
~> Int.max (3, Int.max (9, Int.max (7, Int.max (5, 6))))
~> Int.max (3, Int.max (9, Int.max (7, 6)))
~> Int.max (3, Int.max (9, 7))
~> Int.max (3, 9)
~> 9



(* Keeps the current largest integer in an extra argument, y *)
fun maxhelp ([], y) = y
| maxhelp (x::xs, y) = maxhelp (xs, Int.max (x, y))
fun max [] = raise Empty
| max (x::xs) = maxhelp (xs, x)


max [3,9,7,5,6]
~> maxhelp ([9,7,5,6], 3)
~> maxhelp ([7,5,6], Int.max (9, 3))
~> maxhelp ([7,5,6], 9)
~> maxhelp ([5,6], Int.max (7, 9))
~> maxhelp ([5,6], 9)
~> maxhelp ([6], Int.max (5, 9))
~> maxhelp ([6], 9)
~> maxhelp ([], Int.max (6, 9))
~> maxhelp ([], 9)
~> 9


