pandas 数据帧:有效地将包含 JSON 的列扩展为多个列

我有一个数据帧,其中一列是带有字典的 json 字符串,我需要将 json 扩展为单独的列。例:

c1                              c2
0  a1     {'x1': 1, 'x3': 3, 'x2': 2}
1  a2  {'x1': 21, 'x3': 23, 'x2': 22}


c1    x1    x2    x3
0  a1   1.0   2.0   3.0
1  a2  21.0  22.0  23.0

我的问题与此线程非常相似,除了我有字符串,而不是字典(尽管字符串计算为字典(,并且那里提出的简单、优化的解决方案在我的情况下不起作用。 我有一个可行的解决方案,但它显然效率极低。这是一个片段,其中包含我的代码和该线程中提出的解决方案:

import json
import pandas as pd
def expandFeatures(df, columnName):
"""Expands column 'columnName', which contains a dictionary in form of a json string, into N single columns, each containing a single feature"""
# get names of new columns from the first row
features = json.loads(df.iloc[0].loc[columnName])
featureNames = list(features.keys())
# add new columns (empty values)
newCols = list(df.columns) + featureNames
df = df.reindex(columns=newCols, fill_value=0.0)
# fill in the values of the new columns
for index, row in df.iterrows():
features = json.loads(row[columnName])
for key,val in features.items():[index, key] = val
# remove column 'columnName'
return df.drop(columns=[columnName])
def expandFeatures1(df, columnName):
return df.drop(columnName, axis=1).join(pd.DataFrame(df[columnName].values.tolist()))
df_json = pd.DataFrame([['a1', '{"x1": 1, "x2": 2, "x3": 3}'], ['a2', '{"x1": 21, "x2": 22, "x3": 23}']],
columns=['c1', 'c2'])
df_dict = pd.DataFrame([['a1', {'x1': 1, 'x2': 2, 'x3': 3}], ['a2', {'x1': 21, 'x2': 22, 'x3': 23}]],
columns=['c1', 'c2'])
# correct result, but inefficient
print("expandFeatures, df_json")
df = df_json.copy()
df = expandFeatures(df, 'c2')
# this gives an error because expandFeatures expects a string, not a dictionary 
# print("expandFeatures, df_dict")
# df = df_dict.copy()
# print(df)
# df = expandFeatures(df, 'c2')
# print(df)
# WRONG, doesn't expand anything
print("expandFeatures1, df_json")
df = df_json.copy()
df = expandFeatures1(df, 'c2')
# correct and efficient, but not my use case (I have strings not dicts)
print("expandFeatures1, df_dict")
df = df_dict.copy()
df = expandFeatures1(df, 'c2')


如果 json 字符串是有效的字典,则可以使用ast.literal_eval来解析它们:

import pandas as pd
from ast import literal_eval
df_json = pd.DataFrame([['a1', '{"x1": 1, "x2": 2, "x3": 3}'],
['a2', '{"x1": 21, "x2": 22, "x3": 23}']],
columns=['c1', 'c2'])
print (pd.concat([df_json,pd.DataFrame(df_json["c2"].apply(literal_eval).to_list())],axis=1).drop("c2",axis=1))
c1  x1  x2  x3
0  a1   1   2   3
1  a2  21  22  23
