如何扩展调车场算法,这原本是为了让二元运算符支持条件三元运算符("a ?b : c") ?我在这里还没有看到这个问题的答案,我有一个,所以我正在发布它。
- "?" 三元开频
- ":" 三元-否则
- 三元闭合中频
但是,输出中仅存在第三个(初始表达式的 RPN)。
每当看到"?"时,三元开 if 就会放在运算符堆栈上。
三元 if 运算符具有相同的优先级和右结合性(如 C 中),这意味着三元 if 永远不会引起另一个三元 if 的流行。
示例(三元闭合 - 如果标记为"?:"):
- "一?b : c" -->
"A B C ?:" - "一?B : x ?y : z" -->
"A B X Y Z ?: ?:" - "一?x ?y : z : b" -->
"A X Y Z ?: B ?:"
对于仍然在这里搜索的人,条件三元运算符也可以实现为具有三个参数的 IF 函数:
IF([boolean], [expr_if_true], [expr_if_false])
例如,要通过扩展调车场算法将IF(5 > 4, 9, 8)
| Token | Action | RPN Output | Operator stack |
| IF | Push token to stack | | IF |
| ( | Push token to stack | | IF ( |
| 5 | Add token to output | 5 | IF ( |
| > | Push token to stack | 5 | 15 ( > |
| 4 | Add token to output | 5 4 | IF ( > |
| , | Pop from stack onto output until left parenthesis | 5 4 > | IF ( |
| 9 | Add token to output | 5 4 > 9 | IF ( |
| , | Pop from stack onto output until left parenthesis | 5 4 > 9 | IF ( |
| 8 | Add token to output | 5 4 > 9 8 | IF ( |
| ) | Pop from stack onto output until left parenthesis | 5 4 > 9 8 | IF |
| end | Pop entire stack onto output | 5 4 > 9 8 IF | |
| Token | Action | Stack |
| 5 | Push to stack | 5 |
| 4 | Push to stack | 4 |
| > | Pop from stack twice (5, 4), evaluate (5 > 4) and push onto stack | TRUE |
| 9 | Push onto stack | 9 |
| 8 | Push onto stack | 8 |
| IF | Pop from stack thrice (TRUE, 9, 8), evaluate (IF TRUE THEN 9 ELSE 8) and push onto stack | 9 |
: token 后递归调用调车场函数,如
token_array shunting_yard(token_stream input)
// assuming its working shunting yard algorithm that works correctly
// on all unary/binary operators and know how to deal with parenthesis
if(input.peek().token_type == ?)
input.seek(til next token);
// whatever was between ? and : was parsed somewhere above
if(input.peek().token_type == :)
input.seek(til next token);
// recursively call this function
token_array ret_arr = shunting_yard(input);
operands_stack = merge two stacks together(operators_stack, ret_array);
operands_stack.push(operators_stack.pop()) <- should move ?
input.seek(til next token);
// important bit
if(unpaired ')' detected)
while(operators_stack.size > 0)
return operands_stack;
以表达式 a+b-c?d:e+f 和 a+b-(c?d:e)+f 为例
案例 A+B-C?D:E+F
它有问题,因为三元运算符将其计算为 (a+b-c)?(d):(e+f),这绝对不是本意,但它仍然是一个有效的三元表达式。GCC,Node,Firefox,Chrome,Edge和.NET至少像这样评估它。我是谁来挑战边缘控制台的计算能力???调车场,当到达时:令牌应该有操作数和运算符堆栈看起来像
操作数 a, b, +, c, -, d
运算符 ?
shunting_yard的递归调用返回数组 e, f, +
操作数 a, b, +, c, -, d, e, f, +
运算符 ?
堆栈 A, B, +, C, -, D, E, F, +, ?
a , b , + == a+b, assign result to variable called o1, for short
o1, c, - == o1 - c == (a + b) - c, assign result to o2
o2, d, e, f, + == (a + b - c), d, (e + f), assign result to o3
o2, d, o3, ?, which evaluates as o2?d:o3, which, after variables substitution is the original expression a + b - c ? d : e + f (first operand is condition, second is 'on true' returns, third is 'on false' returns, same below)
案例 A+B-(C?D:E)+F
操作数 a, b, +, c, d
运算符 -, ?
操作数 a, b, +, c, d, e
运算符 -, ?
现在移动 ?
操作数 a, b, +, c, d, e, ?
运算符 -
堆栈 A, B, +, C, D, E, ?-, f, +
a , b , + == a+b, assign result to o1
o1, c, d, e, ? == o1, (c?d:e), assign result of ternary operation to o2
o1, o2, - == o1 - o2 == a + b - (d or e, depending of value of c), assign result to o3
o3, f, + == o3 + f which after variables substitution is the original expression is the original expression a + b - (d or e, depending of value of c) + f