Sub AnimatedRFRecursive(ByVal P As Point, ByVal C0 As Color, ByVal C1 As Color)
Dim i, xL, xR As Integer
Dim a As Point
i = P.X
While (i >= 0 AndAlso BMP.GetPixel(i, P.Y) = C0)
BMP.SetPixel(i, P.Y, C1)
PictureBox1.Invoke(New Action(Sub() PictureBox1.Image = BMP))
i -= 1
End While
xL = i + 1
i = P.X + 1
While (i < 500 AndAlso BMP.GetPixel(i, P.Y) = C0)
BMP.SetPixel(i, P.Y, C1)
PictureBox1.Invoke(New Action(Sub() PictureBox1.Image = BMP))
End While
xR = i - 1
For i = xL To xR
If (P.Y < 349 AndAlso BMP.GetPixel(i, P.Y + 1) = C0) Then
a.X = i
a.Y = P.Y + 1
AnimatedRFRecursive(a, C0, C1)
End If
If (P.Y > 0 AndAlso BMP.GetPixel(i, P.Y - 1) = C0) Then
a.X = i
a.Y = P.Y - 1
AnimatedRFRecursive(a, C0, C1)
End If
End Sub
Dim thr As New Threading.Thread(Sub() AnimatedRFRecursive(point, C, Color))
有多个线程需要访问同一对象 (BMP)。 这将要求您同步对 BMP 对象的访问。
请注意,您的原始代码有两个幻数(500 和 349),我假设它们对应于位图的宽度和高度。 如果此假设不正确,请更改以下代码中变量的用法。
Private BMP As Bitmap
Private BMPKey As New Object
Private Sub UpdatePictureBox()
SyncLock BMPKey
Dim oldBM As Image = PictureBox1.Image
PictureBox1.Image = New Bitmap(BMP)
If oldBM IsNot Nothing Then oldBM.Dispose()
End SyncLock
End Sub)
End Sub
Private Function GetBMPPixel(x As Int32, y As Int32) As Color
SyncLock BMPKey
Return BMP.GetPixel(x, y)
End SyncLock
End Function
Private Sub SetBMPPixel(x As Int32, y As Int32, c As Color)
SyncLock BMPKey
BMP.SetPixel(x, y, c)
End SyncLock
End Sub
Sub AnimatedRFRecursive(ByVal P As Point, ByVal C0 As Color, ByVal C1 As Color)
Dim i, xL, xR As Integer
Dim a As Point
i = P.X
Dim width As Int32
Dim height As Int32
SyncLock BMPKey
width = BMP.Width ' original code magic number of 500
height = BMP.Height ' original code magic number of 349
End SyncLock
While (i >= 0 AndAlso GetBMPPixel(i, P.Y).ToArgb = C0.ToArgb)
SetBMPPixel(i, P.Y, C1)
i -= 1
End While
xL = i + 1
i = P.X + 1
While (i < width - 1 AndAlso GetBMPPixel(i, P.Y).ToArgb = C0.ToArgb)
SetBMPPixel(i, P.Y, C1)
End While
xR = i - 1
For i = xL To xR
If (P.Y < height - 1 AndAlso GetBMPPixel(i, P.Y + 1).ToArgb = C0.ToArgb) Then
a.X = i
a.Y = P.Y + 1
AnimatedRFRecursive(a, C0, C1)
End If
If (P.Y > 0 AndAlso GetBMPPixel(i, P.Y - 1).ToArgb = C0.ToArgb) Then
a.X = i
a.Y = P.Y - 1
AnimatedRFRecursive(a, C0, C1)
End If
End Sub