如何修改表达式<Func<???, bool>>的类型参数?


Expression<Func<IRequiredDate, bool>>


Expression<Func<TModel, bool>>


// In some repository function:
var query = DbContext.Set<Order>()
.FilterByDateRange(DateTime.Today, DateTime.Today);
var query = DbContext.Set<Note>()
.FilterByDateRange(DateTime.Today, DateTime.Today);
var query = DbContext.Set<Complaint>()
.FilterByDateRange(DateTime.Today, DateTime.Today);

// The general purpose function, can filter for any model implementing IRequiredDate
public static IQueryable<TModel> FilterByDate<TModel>(IQueryable<TModel> query, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) where TModel : IRequiredDate
// This will NOT WORK, as E/F won't accept an expression of type IRequiredDate, even though TModel implements IRequiredDate
// Expression<Func<IRequiredDate, bool>> dateRangeFilter = x => x.Date >= startDate && x.Date <= endDate;
// query = query.Where(dateRangeFilter);
// This also WON'T WORK, x.Date is compiled into the expression as a member of IRequiredDate instead of TModel, so E/F knocks it back for the same reason:
// Expression<Func<TModel, bool>> dateRangeFilter = x => x.Date >= startDate && x.Date <= endDate;
// query = query.Where(dateRangeFilter);
// All you need is lov.... uh... something like this:
Expression<Func<IRequiredDate, bool>> dateRangeFilter = x => x.Date >= startDate && x.Date <= endDate;
Expression<Func<TModel, bool>> dateRangeFilterForType = ConvertExpressionType<IRequiredDate, TModel>(dateRangeFilter); // Must convert the expression from one type to another
query = query.Where(dateRangeFilterForType) // Ahhhh. this will work.
return query;
public static ConvertExpressionType<TInterface, TModel>(Expression<Func<TInterface, bool>> expression)
where TModel : TInterface // It must implement the interface, since we're about to translate them
Expression<Func<TModel, bool>> newExpression = null;
// TODO: How to convert the contents of expression into newExpression, modifying the
// generic type parameter along the way??
return newExpression;

我知道它们是不同类型的,不能强制转换。然而,我想知道是否有一种方法可以创建一个新的Expression<Func<TModel, bool>>,然后根据提供的Expression<Func<IRequiredDate, bool>>的内容重新构建它,在这个过程中将任何类型引用从IRequiredDate切换到TModel


因此,实际进行映射的方法并不难,但遗憾的是,我看不到推广它的好方法。这里有一个方法,它使用Func<T1, TResult>并将其映射到一个委托,其中参数比T1更派生:

public static Expression<Func<NewParam, TResult>> Foo<NewParam, OldParam, TResult>(
Expression<Func<OldParam, TResult>> expression)
where NewParam : OldParam
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(NewParam));
return Expression.Lambda<Func<NewParam, TResult>>(
expression.Body.Replace(expression.Parameters[0], param)
, param);


internal class ReplaceVisitor : ExpressionVisitor
private readonly Expression from, to;
public ReplaceVisitor(Expression from, Expression to)
this.from = from;
this.to = to;
public override Expression Visit(Expression node)
return node == from ? to : base.Visit(node);
public static Expression Replace(this Expression expression,
Expression searchEx, Expression replaceEx)
return new ReplaceVisitor(searchEx, replaceEx).Visit(expression);


Expression<Func<object, bool>> oldExpression = whatever;
Expression<Func<string, bool>> newExpression =
Foo<string, object, bool>(oldExpression);


如果需要的话,您可以为Func<T1, T2, TResult>制作这样的版本,以此类推,直到16种不同类型的Func,只需为每种类型创建一个参数表达式,并用新表达式替换所有旧表达式。这将是乏味的,但只是遵循模式。然而,考虑到新旧参数类型都需要一个通用参数,而且无法推断参数,那么。。。凌乱的


public static IQueryable<TModel> FilterByDate<TModel>(this IQueryable<TModel> src, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) where TModel: class, IRequiredDate {
return src.Where(x => x.Date >= startDate && x.Date <= endDate);


.Where (x => (x => x.Date >= startDate && x.Date <= endDate))


.Where (x => (x => (((IRequiredDate)x).Date >= startDate) && (((IRequiredDate)x).Date <= endDate)))



Expression<Func<IList, bool>> exp1 = (list => list.Count > 0);
Expression<Func<string[], bool>> exp2 = (list => exp1.Compile()(list));
Expression<Func<List<int>, bool>> exp3 = (list => exp1.Compile()(list));

