Excel VBA - 基于单元格值的格式(大于,小于,等于)


  1. 如果单元格为空 = 白色
  2. 如果单元格值 = 到相邻列中的单元格,则颜色为白色
  3. 如果单元格值>到相邻列中的单元格,则颜色为红色
  4. 如果单元格值<到相邻列中的单元格,则颜色为绿色。>


    Sub Format_Cells()
    Dim arq As Range
    Dim msl As Range
    Dim Cell
    Set arq = Range("B3:B500")
    Set msl = Range("C3:C500")
    For Each Cell In arq
    'If Cell is blank then Cell Colour = White
        If Cell.Value = "" Then
            Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
        End If
    'If Requisition Quantity is equal to Max Stock Level then Cell Colour = White
        If arq(B3) = msl(C3) Then
            Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
        End If
    'If Requisition Quantity is less than Max Stock Level then Cell Colour = Green
        If arq(B3) < msl(C3) Then
            Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 43
        End If
    'If Requisition Quantity is more than Max Stock Level then Cell Colour = Red
        If arq(B3) > msl(C3) Then
            Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 46
        End If
     MsgBox "The macro has finished running.", vbInformation
 End Sub

如上所述,CF 可能是要走的路,但您现有的代码作为起点,我刚刚修改为使用 Offset(右侧 1 列(。你们的四个条款都是相互排斥的吗?

Sub Format_Cells()
Dim arq As Range
Dim msl As Range
Dim Cell As Range
Set arq = Range("B3:B500")
Set msl = Range("C3:C500")
For Each Cell In arq
'If Cell is blank then Cell Colour = White
    If Cell.Value = vbnullstring Then
        Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
    End If
'If Requisition Quantity is equal to Max Stock Level then Cell Colour = White
    If Cell.Value = Cell.Offset(, 1).Value Then
        Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
    End If
'If Requisition Quantity is less than Max Stock Level then Cell Colour = Green
    If Cell.Value < Cell.Offset(, 1).Value Then
        Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 43
    End If
'If Requisition Quantity is more than Max Stock Level then Cell Colour = Red
    If Cell.Value > Cell.Offset(, 1).Value Then
        Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 46
    End If
MsgBox "The macro has finished running.", vbInformation
End Sub
