如何使用 music21 将 abc 文件转换为音乐 xml 文件?



class ConverterABC(object):
Simple class wrapper for parsing ABC.
def __init__(self):
# always create a score instance
self._stream = stream.Score()
def parseData(self, strData, number=None):
# Get ABC data, as token list, from a string representation.
# If more than one work is defined in the ABC data, a
# :class:`~music21.stream.Opus` object will be returned;
# otherwise, a :class:`~music21.stream.Score` is returned.
af = abc.ABCFile()
# do not need to call open or close
abcHandler = af.readstr(strData, number=number)
# set to stream
if abcHandler.definesReferenceNumbers():
# this creates an Opus object, not a Score object
self._stream = abc.translate.abcToStreamOpus(abcHandler,
else: # just one work
abc.translate.abcToStreamScore(abcHandler, self._stream)
def parseFile(self, fp, number=None):
# Get MIDI data from a file path.  
# If more than one work is defined in the ABC data,  
# a  :class:`~music21.stream.Opus` object will be returned;  
# otherwise, a :class:`~music21.stream.Score` is returned.
# If `number` is provided, and this ABC file defines multiple works with a X: tag, just the specified work will be returned.
#environLocal.printDebug(['ConverterABC.parseFile: got number', number])
af = abc.ABCFile()
# returns a handler instance of parse tokens
abcHandler = af.read(number=number)
# only create opus if multiple ref numbers
# are defined; if a number is given an opus will no be created
if abcHandler.definesReferenceNumbers():
# this creates a Score or Opus object, depending on if a number
# is given
self._stream = abc.translate.abcToStreamOpus(abcHandler,
# just get a single work
abc.translate.abcToStreamScore(abcHandler, self._stream)
def _getStream(self):
return self._stream
stream = property(_getStream)

其中的代码 https://wim.vree.org/js/index.html 将XML转换为ABC和ABC转换为SVG(信号(。看看,也许它可以帮助您将ABC转换为XML。
