根据 A2 单元格值将数字和字符串值放入 B2 和 C2 单元格中

我正在尝试创建一个下拉列表,如果您在单元格中选择某个员工 ID,它会"A2"用三位员工数字 ID 填写单元格"B2""C2"填写完整的员工姓名。这应该是一个相当简单的任务,但是我编写的代码根本不起作用。运行它后,它会在"B2"中放置一个"0",而不管"A2"中的选择如何,而"C2"什么都没有。我试图玩弄.Value/.Text/.Number标识符,并在值周围使用""或没有"",但无济于事。知道我做错了什么吗?

Sub ind_naming()
Dim in_ws As Worksheet
Set in_ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("INDIVIDUAL_REPORT")
in_ws.Range("A5:E100").Delete Shift:=xlUp
in_ws.Range("A5:E100").Interior.Color = RGB(224, 245, 250)
in_ws.Range("F1").Value = in_ws.Range("A2").Value
If in_ws.Range("A2").Value = "BI08298" Then in_ws.Range("B2").Value = "113" And in_ws.Range("C2").Value = "John Smith"
If in_ws.Range("A2").Value = "GB31446" Then in_ws.Range("B2").Value = "170" And in_ws.Range("C2").Value = "John Bob"
If in_ws.Range("A2").Value = "ZB40049" Then in_ws.Range("B2").Value = "158" And in_ws.Range("C2").Value = "Gary Doe"
If in_ws.Range("A2").Value = "KF14006" Then in_ws.Range("B2").Value = "121" And in_ws.Range("C2").Value = "Mary Jane"
If in_ws.Range("A2").Value = "JT99623" Then in_ws.Range("B2").Value = "167" And in_ws.Range("C2").Value = "Nate Tailor"
If in_ws.Range("A2").Value = "FO07386" Then in_ws.Range("B2").Value = "168" And in_ws.Range("C2").Value = "Jacob Grant"

End Sub


Emp_ID    Emp_Number    Emp_Name
BI08298   113           John Smith


=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,Emps!A:C, 2, 0),"")

在 C2 中:

=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,Emps!A:C, 3, 0),"")


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Target.Address <> "$A$2" Then Exit Sub
    Dim sFormulaB As String, sFormulaC As String
    sFormulaB = "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,Emps!A:C,2, 0),"""")"
    sFormulaC = "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,Emps!A:C, 3, 0),"""")"
    With Target
        .Offset(, 1).Formula = sFormulaB
        .Offset(, 2).Formula = sFormulaC
    End With
    Call RestOfCode_procedure
End Sub

您可以将其余代码存储在 sub 的 normal 模块中,并从上面的过程中调用它。

您也可以使用 Case 语句来执行此操作,但我可能会在单独的工作表中进行 Vlookup 查找,您可以在单独的工作表中查找员工的所有详细信息,这样您将减少代码行数,如果该工作表上的任何细节发生变化,您的代码也会发生变化,但对于 Case 语句,请参见下文:

Sub ind_naming()
Dim in_ws As Worksheet
Set in_ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("INDIVIDUAL_REPORT")
in_ws.Range("A5:E100").Delete Shift:=xlUp
in_ws.Range("A5:E100").Interior.Color = RGB(224, 245, 250)
in_ws.Range("F1").Value = in_ws.Range("A2").Value
Select Case in_ws.Range("A2").Value
    Case "BI08298"
        in_ws.Range("B2").Value = "113"
        in_ws.Range("C2").Value = "John Smith"
    Case "GB31146"
        in_ws.Range("B2").Value = "170"
        in_ws.Range("C2").Value = "John Bob"
    Case "ZB40049"
        in_ws.Range("B2").Value = "158"
        in_ws.Range("C2").Value = "Gary Doe"
    Case "KF14006"
        in_ws.Range("B2").Value = "121"
        in_ws.Range("C2").Value = "Mary Jane"
    Case "JT99623"
        in_ws.Range("B2").Value = "167"
        in_ws.Range("C2").Value = "Nate Tailor"
    Case "FO07386"
        in_ws.Range("B2").Value = "168"
        in_ws.Range("C2").Value = "Jacob Grant"
End Select
End Sub

