8086 汇编语言 创建矩阵屏幕保护程序

我必须创建一个矩阵屏幕保护程序的简单实现,就像电影中的屏幕保护程序一样,在汇编中,仅使用视频内存(文本)。 除了用于获取随机字符的随机数生成器之外,我已经布置了大部分结构,但我希望帮助缩小其中一些过程及其实现的范围。


;This program displays a matrix wallpaper
.model small
.stack 100h
main proc
    mov ax, 0b800h
    mov es, ax
    mov bx, 39  ; row
    mov cx, 12  ; colum
    mov ax, 160
    mul cx
    shl bx,1
    add bx, ax
    mov al, 'A'
    mov ah, 0ah
    mov es:[bx], ax
    mov ax, 4c00h
    int 21h
main endp
end main


;This program creates a matrix wallpaper
.model small
.stack 100h
speed dword 2147483647
X dw, ?
Y dw, ?
ch dw, ?
att dw, ?
main proc
    mov ax, @data
    mov ds, ax
    ; setup interrupt
    push ds
    mov ax, @code
    mov ds, ax
    mov ah, 25h
    mov al, 9
    mov dx, offset My_int
    int 21h
    pop ds
    ; matrix program, makes the rain effect
    ; for(y = 23; y > 0; y--)
        ; for(x = 0; x <= 79; x++)
            ; SgetCh(x, y, ch, attribute)
            call SgetCh
            ; SputCh(x, y, ch, attribute)
            call SgetCh
            ; BusyWait
            call BusyWait
    jmp Loo2    
    mov ax, 4c00h
    int 21h
main endp
My_int proc
    ;cli            ; diable interrupts
    ;mov ax, mystack    ; reset SS
    ;mov ss, ax
    ;mov sp, 100h       ; reset SP
    ;sti            ; reenable interrupt
    mov ax, 4c00h
    int 21h
My_int endp
BusyWait proc
BusyWait endp
SgetCh proc
SgetCh endp
SputCh proc
SputCh endp
end main


mov ax, 19
int 10h ; 320x200 with 256 colors
mov ax, 0a000h
mov es, ax ;set the di segment to the graphics memory
xor bl, bl ;bl will be used to store the number of the picture
inc bl
hlt ;here the processor will wait (very shortly and in an unregular period)
xor cx, cx
xor dx, dx ;cx and dx represent the coordinates
xor di, di ;set di to offset of the begin of the screen.
mov al, cl
xor al, dl
add al, dl
add al, bl ;create a color
stosb ;write pixel
inc cx
cmp cx, 320 ;refresh coordinates
jne a
xor cx, cx
inc dx
cmp dx, 200
jne a
mov ah, 1 ;check whether a key had been pressed
int 16h
jz new ;If no key had been pressed, show next picture
mov ax, 3
int 10h
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h


由于屏幕上的所有绘图都是在主程序中完成的,因此您无需更改任何中断。只需在 BIOS 功能"读取键盘状态"(在 jmp Loo2 上插入)返回且 ZF=0 时立即退出程序


 mov bx, 39  ; row
 mov cx, 12  ; colum

