是否有任何方法可以确定子协议的一致性,例如是否符合Swift 2中的通用协议(在运行时或编译期间)

我正在将Java库移植到Swift 2.0,并且在泛型方面遇到了一些问题。


public protocol Graph {
    typealias V: Hashable
    typealias E: Hashable
    func getAllEdges(sourceVertex: V, targetVertex: V) -> Set<E>?
    func getEdge(sourceVertex: V, targetVertex: V) -> E?
    func getEdgeFactory() -> EdgeFactory<V, E>?
    func addEdge(sourceVertex: V, targetVertex: V) -> E?
    func addEdge(sourceVertex: V, targetVertex: V, e: E) -> Bool
    func addVertex(v: V) -> Bool
    func containsEdge(sourceVertex: V, targetVertex: V) -> Bool
    func containsEdge(e: E) -> Bool
    func containsVertex(v: V) -> Bool
    func edgeSet() -> Set<E>
    func edgesOf(v: V) -> Set<E>
    func removeAllEdges<T: CollectionType where T.Generator.Element == E>(edges: T) -> Bool
    func removeAllEdges(sourceVertex: V, targetVertex: V) -> Set<E>?
    func removeAllVertices<T: CollectionType where T.Generator.Element == V>(vertices: T) -> Bool
    func removeEdge(sourceVertex: V, targetVertex: V)
    func removeEdge(e: E) -> Bool
    func removeVertex(v: V) -> Bool
    func vertexSet() -> Set<V>
    func getEdgeSource(e: E) -> V
    func getEdgeTarget(e: E) -> V
    func getEdgeWeight(e: E) -> Double
public protocol DirectedGraph: Graph {
    func inDegreeOf(vertex: V) -> Int
    func incomingEdgesOf(vertex: V) -> Set<E>
    func outDegreeOf(vertex: V) -> Int
    func outgoingEdgesOf(vertex: V) -> Set<E>
public protocol UndirectedGraph: Graph {    
    func degreeOf(vertex: V) -> Int


public class CrossComponentIterator
    <V: Hashable, E: Hashable, D, G: Graph
        where G.V == V, G.E == E>
    : AbstractGraphIterator<V, E>



func createGraphSpecifics<DG: Graph where DG: DirectedGraph, DG.V == V, DG.E == E>(graph: DG)
    -> CrossComponentIteratorSpecifics<V, E>
    return DirectedSpecifics<V, E, DG>(graph: graph)
func createGraphSpecifics<UG: Graph where UG: UndirectedGraph, UG.V == V, UG.E == E>(graph: UG)
    -> CrossComponentIteratorSpecifics<V, E>
    return UndirectedSpecifics<V, E, UG>(graph: graph)
func createGraphSpecifics<GG: Graph where GG.V == V, GG.E == E>(graph: GG)
    -> CrossComponentIteratorSpecifics<V, E>
    fatalError("Unknown graph type instance")





if (g instanceof DirectedGraph<?, ?>) {
    return new DirectedSpecifics<V, E>((DirectedGraph<V, E>) g);
} else {
    return new UndirectedSpecifics<V, E>(g);


protocol P {
    // This typealias makes impossible to use 'P'
    // (or its descendants) as a type.
    // It can be used only as generic constraint.
    typealias A
    // myfunc is needed for compiler to infer 'A'
    func myfunc(a: A)
protocol P1:P {
    func p1specific(a: A)
protocol P2:P {
    func p2specific(a: A)
struct S<T:P> {
    init(t: T) {
        // TODO: check if 't' conforms to 'P1', 'P2', both or neither
// Examples of concrete implementations of 'P1' and 'P2'
struct S1<X>:P1{
    func myfunc(a: X) {}
    func p1specific(a: X) {}
struct S2<X>:P2{
    func myfunc(a: X) {}
    func p2specific(a: X) {}

例如,有没有任何方法可以确定子协议的一致性符合Swift 2中的通用协议(在运行时或汇编)?


protocol _P {
    static var _A: Any.Type { get }
    func _myfunc(_a: Any) -> Void?
extension _P where Self: P {
    static var _A: Any.Type {
        return A.self
    func _myfunc(_a: Any) -> Void? {
        return (_a as? A).map(myfunc)
protocol P {
    typealias A
    func myfunc(a: A)
protocol _P1:_P {
    func _p1specific(_a: Any) -> Void?
extension _P1 where Self: P1 {
    func _p1specific(_a: Any) -> Void? {
        return (_a as? A).map(p1specific)
protocol P1:_P1, P {
    func p1specific(a: A)
protocol _P2:_P {
    func _p2specific(_a: Any) -> Void?
extension _P2 where Self: P2 {
    func _p2specific(_a: Any) -> Void? {
        return (_a as? A).map(p2specific)
protocol P2:_P2, P {
    func p2specific(a: A)


(x as? _P1) != nil ? true : false

import XCPlayground
import Foundation
protocol P {}
protocol P1:P {}
protocol P2:P {}
struct S1:P1{}
struct S2:P2{}
struct S<T:P> {
    var p1: P1?
    var p2: P2?
    init(t: T) {
        p1 = t as? P1
        p2 = t as? P2
let p1 = S1()
let p2 = S2()
let s1 = S(t: p1)
let s2 = S(t: p2)
▿ S<S1>
  ▿ p1: S1
    - Some: S1
  - p2: nil
▿ S<S2>
  - p1: nil
  ▿ p2: S2
    - Some: S2


g is Type             // trur or false

let v2 = v1 as? Type   // v2 = v2 or nil


protocol P {
    typealias A
protocol P1:P {}
protocol P2:P {}
struct S1:P1{
    typealias A = Int
struct S2:P2{
    typealias A = Double
struct S<T:P> {
    var p1: S1?
    var p2: S2?
    init(t: T) {
        p1 = t as? S1
        p2 = t as? S2
let p1 = S1()
let p2 = S2()
let s1 = S(t: p1)
let s2 = S(t: p2)

protocol P {
    // This typealias makes impossible to use 'P'
    // (or its descendants) as a type.
    // It can be used only as generic constraint.
    typealias A
    // myfunc is needed for compiler to infer 'A'
    func myfunc(a: A)
protocol P1:P {}
protocol P2:P {}
// aka 'abstract' conforming to P1
struct S1:P1{
    typealias A = AnyObject
    func myfunc(a: A) {}
// aka 'abstract' conforming to P2
struct S2:P2{
    typealias A = Int
    func myfunc(a: A) {}
// generic struct with type conforming to P
struct S<T:P> {
    init(t: T) {
        // TODO: check if 't' conforms to 'P1', 'P2', both or neither
        if t is S1 {
            print("t conforms to P1, because it is type S1")
        if t is S2 {
            print("t conforms to P2, besause it is type S2")
let s1 = S(t: S1()) // t conforms to P1, because it is type S1
let s2 = S(t: S2()) // t conforms to P2, besause it is type S2
// WARNING !!!!!!
// var s = s1
// s = s2   // error: cannot assign value of type 'S<S2>' to type 'S<S1>'
